Some scripted interactions I have used for my credit account. Demonstrates how one can use forge scripting to script the credit account multicalls. Fork this repo and get started with everything setup for writing gearbox scripts.
forge install
cd lib/core-v2; yarn // gearbox uses openzeppelin, need to get their source from npm
cd lib/integrations-v2; yarn // gearbox uses openzeppelin, need to get their source from npm
contract InteractionScript is Script {
function interaction(address _creditAccount) external {
MultiCall[] memory multicalls = new MultiCall[](3);
multicalls[0] = MultiCall({
target: "", // adapter address
abi.encodeWithSelector(Adapter.method.selector, ...) // encoding calldata
forge script ./script/script-file.sol --sig "interaction(address)" <CREDIT_ACCOUNT> --rpc-url --broadcast -vvvv --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY>
This will run the script against local fork, sign the tx and send it.
Remove the --broadcast
option if you dont want to broadcast.