
Vulnerability research assistant that locates all calls to potentially insecure API functions in a binary file.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


build doc

"The road to exploitable bugs is paved with unexploitable bugs."

-- Mark Dowd

Rhabdomancer is a blazing fast IDA Pro headless plugin that locates all calls to potentially insecure API functions in a binary file. Auditors can backtrace from these candidate points to find pathways allowing access from untrusted input.


  • Blazing fast, headless user experience courtesy of IDA Pro 9 and Binarly's idalib Rust bindings.
  • Support for C/C++ binary targets compiled for any architecture implemented by IDA Pro.
  • Bad API function call locations are printed to stdout and marked in the IDB.
  • Known bad API functions are grouped in tiers of badness to help prioritize the audit work.
  • The list of known bad API functions can be easily customized by editing conf/rhabdomancer.toml.

Blog post

See also


The easiest way to get the latest release is via crates.io:

  1. Download, install, and configure IDA Pro (see https://hex-rays.com/ida-pro).
  2. Download and extract the IDA SDK (see https://docs.hex-rays.com/developer-guide).
  3. Install rhabdomancer as follows:
    $ export IDASDKDIR=/path/to/idasdk90
    $ export IDADIR=/path/to/ida # if not set, the build script will check common locations
    $ cargo install rhabdomancer


Alternatively, you can build from source:

  1. Download, install, and configure IDA Pro (see https://hex-rays.com/ida-pro).
  2. Download and extract the IDA SDK (see https://docs.hex-rays.com/developer-guide).
  3. Compile rhabdomancer as follows:
    $ git clone https://github.com/0xdea/rhabdomancer
    $ cd rhabdomancer
    $ export IDASDKDIR=/path/to/idasdk90 # or edit .cargo/config.toml
    $ export IDADIR=/path/to/ida # if not set, the build script will check common locations
    $ cargo build --release


  1. Make sure IDA Pro is properly configured with a valid license.
  2. Customize the list of known bad API functions in conf/rhabdomancer.toml if needed.
  3. Run rhabdomancer as follows:
    $ rhabdomancer <binary_file>
  4. Open the resulting .i64 IDB file with IDA Pro.
  5. Select View > Open subviews > Bookmarks
  6. Enjoy your results conveniently collected in an IDA Pro window.

Note: rhabdomancer also adds comments at marked call locations.

Tested with

  • IDA Pro 9.0.240925 on macOS arm64 and Linux x64.
  • IDA Pro 9.0.241217 on macOS arm64 and Linux x64.

Note: not tested on Windows, check idalib documentation if you want to try it yourself.
