
A contract that allows users on Astar to stake their Dot to receive 1:1 share of sDot in return.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Liquid Staking Contract

This contract allows users on Astar to stake their DOT to receive a share of sDot based on their amount of the total deposited DOT. Every time updateReward(token) is called, we distribute WASTR as rewards to users that are currently staking inside this contract, and they can claim it using harvest, and operator will call withdrawPendingBond with a fixed interval to withdraw all DOTs that are pending to be bonded in order to stake in the relaychain, operator will also call depositUnbonded with a fixed interval to individully distribute to users that have already initiated unstake request in order to claim back their DOT.


Environment Address
Shibuya 0x636F98F63501b72B2916338B903834124845DA81
ASTAR 0xF8d6A9071f54CF9A802De7E2f672A549E089CCD3



Please note that both DOT & sDOT are haveing only 10 decimals.

Method Usage
balanceOf(_account) sDOT balance
totalSupply() Total issuance of sDOT
internalDotBalance() Total staked DOT, this gets updated on user stake() / unstake()

Getter functions

Method Usage Return
getUserInfo(_account, _rewardToken) Get user info with reward respective to each reward token(i.e. WASTR) uint256 amount, uint256 pendingUnbondAmount, uint256 claimableUnbondedAmount, mapping(IERC20Upgradeable => uint256) rewardDebt, mapping(IERC20Upgradeable => uint256) unclaimedReward
getPendingReward(_account, _rewardToken) Get pending reward of an user uint256 pendingReward
getRewardTokensLength() Get the number of reward tokens uint256 rewardTokensLength


WASTR APY = Daily WASTR Rate * 365 / internalDOTBalance()


Method Usage
stake(_amount) Stake DOT
unstake(_amount) Unstake DOT(i.e. Unstake instantly/Add up each user's pending unbonding amount and initiate unstake request for operator to withdraw)
harvest(_rewardToken) Harvest particular reward token
claimDOT() Claim back DOT 1:1 + gained DOT and burns sDot

Owner-only functions (with timelock implemented)

Method Usage
withdrawPendingBond() Withdraw all DOTs that are pending to be bonded in order to stake in the relaychain
depositUnbonded(_account, _amount) Deposit unbonded DOTs to contract and let individual user who initiated unstake request be able to claim back DOTs
setOperator(_operator) Change operator's address
setTransactionFee(_newTransactionFee) Change dot transaction fee
pause() Implement an emergency stop mechanism to the contract
unpause() Unpause the contract to return its state to normal
addRewardToken(_rewardToken) Add token as Reward Token
removeRewardToken(_rewardToken) Remove token from Reward Token List

Event types

Events Description
Staked(address indexed user, uint256 amount) Emitted when a user stakes DOT
InstantUnstaked(address indexed user, uint256 amount, uint256 timestamp) Emitted only when a user unstakes DOT instanly(i.e. without operator having withdrawn pending bond)
Unstaked(address indexed user, uint256 amount, uint256 timestamp) Emitted when a user unstakes DOT
ClaimedUnbond(address indexed user, uint256 amount, uint256 timestamp) Emitted when a user claims back DOT after unbonding period ends
Harvested(address indexed user, address indexed rewardToken, uint256 amount) Emitted when a user harvests ASTR rewards
WithdrawedPendingBond(uint256 totalPendingBondAmount, uint256 timestamp) Emitted when operator withdraws all pending bond DOT from contract
DepositedUnbonded(address indexed user, uint256 amount, uint256 timestamp) Emitted when operator deposits unbonded DOT to contract
NewFeeCollectorSet(address newFeeCollector) Emitted when owner sets a new feeCollector
NewOperatorSet(address newOperator) Emitted when owner sets a new operator
NewTransactionFeeSet(uint256 newTransactionFee) Emitted when owner sets a new transaction fee
RewardTokenAdded(address token) Emitted when owner adds a token to the reward tokens list
RewardTokenRemoved(address token) Emitted when owner removes a token from the reward tokens list