Roast in the Middle is a rough proof of concept (not attack-ready) that implements a man-in-the-middle ARP spoof to intercept AS-REQ's to modify and replay to perform a Kerberoast or Sessionroast attack.
For more information about the kerberoast attack, read the blog post All Ur AS Are Belong To Us.
For more information about the sessionroast attack, read the blog post DES Is Useful... Sometimes
To run this proof of concept npcap needs to be installed on the machine and administrative privileges are required. This is because to perform the MitM it uses sharppcap.
Some of the code to decode Kerberos traffic is taken from Rubeus.
All the following arguments are mandatory for both commands.
- /listenip:IP - IP address to listen on
- /targets:IP1,IP2... - IP addresses of targets to man-in-the-middle
- /dcs:IP1,IP2... - IP addresses of domain controllers
This proof of concept will only be useful if the attack machine, targets and domain controllers are all on the same network segment due to the reliance on ARP spoofing, it could be modified to support a gateway for either the targets or DCs.
The following argument is mandatory for the kerberoast
- /spns:SPNs - SPNs or usernames to kerberoast (can be a file or comma separated values)
The following argument is mandatory for the sessionroast
- /tgt:[base64|FILE] - the TGT to use for the U2U requests