
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ethfinex Trading API for Node.JS

Build Status

A Node.JS reference implementation of the Ethfinex API


  npm i efx-api-node

Alternatively on the browser you can use the standalone build

<script src="http://path/to/dist/efx.js"></script>


Create your efx-api-node instance

  • running on node.js context
const EFX = require('efx-api-node')

const web3 = new EFX.Web3(/*your web3 provider*/)

const efx = await EFX( web3 )
  • running on browser context with window.web3 available
const EFX = require('efx-api-node')

const efx = await EFX() // we will automatically use your web3.currentProvider
  • running standalone build on browser without window.web3 available
<script src="../dist/efx.js"></script>

  web3 = new EFX.Web3(/*your web3 provider*/)
  efx  = await EFX(web3)

Locking tokens

This will allow the lockTokenContract to transfer on the user's behalf. This step only needs to be carried out the first time interacting with each new ERC20 token.

const token = 'ZRX'


Once you have approved, you can simply call .lock!

This will transfer the specific token into the lockTokenContract.

const token = 'ZRX'
const amount = 0.001
const forTime = 5

const response = await efx.contract.lock(token, amount, forTime)

Unlocking tokens

const token = 'ZRX'
const amount = 0.001

const response = await efx.contract.unlock(token, amount, forTime)

Submitting a buy order

const symbol = 'ETHUSD'
const amount = 1
const price = 100

efx.submitOrder(symbol, amount, price)

Submitting a sell order

const symbol = 'ETHUSD'
const amount = -1
const price = 100

const orderId = await efx.submitOrder(symbol, amount, price)

Getting all orders

const orders = await efx.getOrderList()

Getting an order

const id = 1

const order = await efx.getOrder(id)


1. Setup

  • git clone
  • npm install
  • bash <(curl https://get.parity.io -L) # install parity

2. Run a node

On kovan:

parity --chain kovan --jsonrpc-apis=all --geth
  • note the jsonrpc set to all
  • note the --geth in order to be compatible with geth's unlock 'duration' parameter

On ropsten:

geth --testnet --fast --bootnodes "enode://20c9ad97c081d63397d7b685a412227a40e23c8bdc6688c6f37e97cfbc22d2b4d1db1510d8f61e6a8866ad7f0e17c02b14182d37ea7c3c8b9c2683aeb6b733a1@,enode://6ce05930c72abc632c58e2e4324f7c7ea478cec0ed4fa2528982cf34483094e9cbc9216e7aa349691242576d552a2a56aaeae426c5303ded677ce455ba1acd9d@" --rpc --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcapi "eth,web3,personal,net"

Alternatively, thanks to ganache-cli we can easily run an eth rpc node emulator. (NOTE: currently tests will fail using ganache)

npm test:rpc

3. Implementing a new feature

Starting by watching the test files ( you will need a node running )

$ npm run test:watch
  • Write the tests for your new features on the ./test/
  • Add your tests to './test/index.js' file if necessary
  • Create your features on ./src/ folder
  • You will need a ropsten node to do blockchain related tests

4. All tests

4.1 Automated tests on node js test

$ npm run test

4.2 Automated tests on a headless browser ( using browserify and mochify )

$ npm run test:web

4.3 Testing manually on your browser

  • Very useful in case you want to issue commands from Google Chrome while using MetaMask !
$ npm run build:web:run

5. Building for browers

  • This will build the whole library as one big ugly standalone js file ( uses browserify )
$ npm run build


  • Allow blockchain tests without relying on a local testnet node by using npm run test:rpc ( ganache ) and deploying mocked contracts at the beginning of the test.

  • Setup Travis-ci to test node.js, browser and standalone build. see this page
