
mono linux player not found

coocoorhin opened this issue · 1 comments

when i run the "craft.sh" i have encountered this error
cp: cannot stat '/home/ziyao/Unity-2018.4.10f1/Hub/Editor/2018.4.10f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/LinuxStandaloneSupport/Variations/linux64_withgfx_nondevelopment_mono/LinuxPlayer': No such file or directory

i have the latest version of hearthstone installed using ngdp and unity version Unity-2018.4.10f1
what seems to be the problem?

It looks like you are missing the engine files? After downloading the UnityHub.AppImage, do you have installed the engine files 2018.4.10f1?

I just tried it and it works for me like this:

  • Make the file executable
    chmod +x ./UnityHub.AppImage
  • Start unity hub with the url
    ./UnityHub.AppImage unityhub://2018.4.10f1/a0470569e97b
  • You can ignore the licensing stuff that may show up, wait until the installation window appears. You don't need to install any of the additional modules.