looks like the Unity version changed with 26.2
rayraiani opened this issue · 3 comments
2021.3.19f1 (maybe)
$ git diff
diff --git a/craft.sh b/craft.sh
index ee439a2..bb7e81a 100755
--- a/craft.sh
+++ b/craft.sh
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ download_hearthstone() {
NVM, it core dumped again. maybe not that version or something else.
I believe you need to change the following lines:
78 UNITY_ENGINE=Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/LinuxStandaloneSupport/Variations/linux64_player_nondevelopment_mono
79 UNITY_VER=2021.3.19f1
80 UNITY_INSTALLER_URL=https://download.unity3d.com/download_unity/c9714fde33b6/LinuxEditorInstaller/Unity-$UNITY_VER.tar.xz
106 [ ! -f "tmp/Unity.tar.xz" ] && wget -O ./tmp/Unity.tar.xz $UNITY_INSTALLER_URL
This is what worked for me, with the disclaimer that I made a mistake on line 106 when I did this myself and had to move a file manually, but I've corrected the mistake above, and I think this version should work now, just haven't tested.
Also, if you already have the updated hearthstone version, but not the updated Unity version, you need to delete the hearthstone
folder before running craft.sh (you could also edit the script [e.g., commenting out lines 84-87], but just deleting and reinstalling hearthstone is probably the simplest way to do it).
Works fine for me with the changes, thanks! I've updated the script in the repo.
If you update from a previous version, just remove the following in the hearthstone directory so that the script will download the unity files agian:
rm Bin/Hearthstone.x86_64
rm Bin/UnityPlayer.so
rm -rf Bin/Hearthstone_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/
If you have updated already, you can analogously download and extract and these files from the tarball into the directory manually.