Hearthstone opens but doesn't redirect me to the menu
francobramucci opened this issue · 2 comments
I updated the unity version according to #40 and ran craft.sh after deleting the hearthstone directory. The game opens, but only shows the load screen, so I can't play. I took a look to the ~/.config/unity3d/Blizzard Entertainment/Hearthstone/Player.Log to see what was happening and I found some errors.
[Hearthstone] Failed to load config file:
Failed to load config file:
Set current working dir from=/media/frank/Datos/hearthstone-linux/hearthstone/Bin to=/media/frank/Datos/hearthstone-linux/hearthstone
[Jobs Fallback logger]: [JobQueue.QueueJob] Job (DeeplinkService.PostFullLoginJobs(ID:1)) QUEUED
[Jobs Fallback logger]: [JobQueue.QueueJob] Dependency (WaitForFullLoginFlowComplete) added for queued job (DeeplinkService.PostFullLoginJobs(ID:1))
Error.AddDevWarning() - header=GameStrings Error message=GameStringTable.Load() - There are no entries for category GLOBAL - path: .
[Hearthstone] GameStrings.LoadCategory() - GLOBAL failed to load
GameStrings.LoadCategory() - GLOBAL failed to load
Error.AddDevWarningNonRepeating() - header=GameStrings Error message=GameStringTable.Load() - There are no entries for category GLUE - path: .
[Hearthstone] GameStrings.LoadCategory() - GLUE failed to load
GameStrings.LoadCategory() - GLUE failed to load
Unable to open archive file: /media/frank/Datos/hearthstone-linux/hearthstone/Data/OSX/dbf_enus.unity3d
[ExceptionReporter] Checking the exceptions from previous launch.
[ExceptionReporter] Saved exception data(Count: 0) to '/home/frank/Library/Preferences/Blizzard/Hearthstone/Exceptions/ExceptionReporter.json'
[Hearthstone] Failed to read data for the AssetBundle 'dbf_enus.unity3d'.
Failed to read data for the AssetBundle 'dbf_enus.unity3d'.
[Hearthstone] [Jobs] [JobQueue.ProcessJob] Job (GameDbf.LoadDBFSharedAssetBundle(ID:108)) FAILED due to dependency failure: LoadAssetBundleFromFile: AssetBundlePath - /media/frank/Datos/hearthstone-linux/hearthstone/Data/OSX/dbf_enus.unity3d
[Jobs] [JobQueue.ProcessJob] Job (GameDbf.LoadDBFSharedAssetBundle(ID:108)) FAILED due to dependency failure: LoadAssetBundleFromFile: AssetBundlePath - /media/frank/Datos/hearthstone-linux/hearthstone/Data/OSX/dbf_enus.unity3d
I looked to the /media/frank/Datos/hearthstone-linux/hearthstone/Data/OSX/ and there isn't any archive named dbf_enus.unity3d. I don't know if these are the problem although.
Just in case I attach the Player.log file.
If I have to upload anything else tell me, It's my first issue.
Thanks in advance
I found that exists a file called dbf_eses.unity3d, so I changed the name to dbf_enus.unity3d and it threw less errors than before, I don't know if they are the same although, but both have very similar names. However the game stills not opening and the config file errors keeps appearing.
I only needed to execute the ./hearthstone/Bin/Hearthstone.x86_64 to get the client.config instead of executing in the /Bin/ directory. The dbf_enus.unity3d definitely wasn't the problem so I changed dbf_eses.unity3d back to make the game work.