
A django adyen hpp integration

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


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This module is used to connect your django application to the payment provider Adyen using the classic "Adyen Hosted Payment Pages (HPP)" API, using the "Multi-page payment flow". Adyen also has a newer API, for more information see Online payments API. Before working with this module please also read the documentation on Adyen.

This is only tested on a postgres database.


Install with pip

pip install djadyen

Add 'adyen' to the installed apps

# settings.py


Add the Adyen notifications urls (This is not required). These url will save all the notifications to the database. You need to make an implementation to handle the notifications

# urls.py

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^adyen/notifications/', include('djadyen.notifications.urls', namespace='adyen-notifications')),


Management command

There is a management command that will sync the payment methods for you. This can be used if you want the users to select a payment method/issuer on your own site.

manage.py sync_payment_methods

You'll need to create a crontab entry to call the following management command on hourly basis.

manage.py adyen_processing

Required settings

  • ADYEN_HOST_URL This is used for creating the return url from adyen
  • ADYEN_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT This is the merchant accont that is used in Adyen.
  • ADYEN_MERCHANT_SECRET This is the secret that is used to calculate the signature.
  • ADYEN_SKIN_CODE This is the code that is generated by the skin in the Adyen application.
  • ADYEN_NOTIFICATION_SECRET The secret HMAC key which should be enabled for notifications.
  • ADYEN_ORDER_MODELS A list of models that are used to store Orders (Inherit from AdyenOrder). The models should be strings in the <app_label>.<model_name> form

Optional settings

  • ADYEN_CURRENCYCODE (default='EUR') This can be set to any other currency Adyen supports
  • ADYEN_ENABLED (default=True) This can be set to false for integration tests
  • ADYEN_NEXT_STATUS (default='AUTHORISED') This is used for the tests. This means that the payment is accepted.
  • ADYEN_REFETCH_OLD_STATUS (default=False) This is so you will always have the latest saved status. This will cause an extra db query!
  • ADYEN_SESSION_MINUTES (default=10) This is how long an Adyen session is valid.
  • ADYEN_URL (default='https://test.adyen.com/') This needs to be changed for the live env. This is a more secure default then entering the live env. The live env is 'https://live.adyen.com/'
  • ADYEN_HANDLE_NOTIFICATION_MINUTES_AGO (default=15) This defaults to 15 minutes. You can change the value to make this shorter or longer depending on the need.

Order object

There is an abstract order in this package. This will save you some time on creating an order for adyen. There are some features on the order that will make it easier to integrate your order with this package.

The added fields are:

  • status This is the status of the object. This will be changed by adyen.
  • created_at This field is used for when the order is created.
  • reference This field is a communication field. It is not used outside the communication. This will be set by uuid4, but can be overwritten.
  • psp_reference This field is the reference from Adyen. With this field you are able to search in the Adyen inderface.
  • payment_option This is the Adyen payment option from this package.
  • issuer This is the Adyen issuer from this package.

You should implement the following methods

  • get_price_in_cents Return the price to be paid for this order
  • process_authorized_notification Process a 'authorized' notification which adyen has sent


This is used to redirect to Adyen. This will also contain a redirect view. You can overwrite it if you want a styled view. You need to provide the data that the redirect view requires. You can provide the data in different ways.

This is the integrated version. You don't have to do a lot of custom work.

from djadyen.views import AdyenRedirectView

class MyAdyenRequestView(AdyenRedirectView):
    model = MyModel

    def get_form_kwargs(self):
        order = self.get_object()
        params = self.get_signed_order_params(order)

        kwargs = super(MyAdyenRequestView, self).get_form_kwargs()
        kwargs.update({'initial': params})
        return kwargs

    def get_next_url(self): # This is to populate the resURL
        order = self.get_object()
        return reverse('my_project:confirmation', kwargs={'pk': order.id})

Need to change some values or want to pass extra arguments? You are better off using the view this way. Now you have full control over the arguments.

from djadyen.views import AdyenRedirectView

class MyAdyenRequestView(AdyenRedirectView):
    model = MyModel

    def get_form_kwargs(self):
        order = self.get_object()
        params = self.get_default_params(
        if order.issuer:
            params['issuerId'] = order.issuer.adyen_id

        params = self.sign_params(params)

        kwargs = super(MyAdyenRequestView, self).get_form_kwargs()
        kwargs.update({'initial': params})
        return kwargs


Adyen also creates a response. This will help you with catching the response. This view will check if the response from Adyen is valid. It will also provide some usefull functions so you don't have to overwrite anything.

In this example the order is automaticly fetched from the reference that is passed in the merchantReference. It will also set the order in the self object for easy access. In the done function the order is saved and the template will be rendered.

from djadyen.views import AdyenResponseMixin
from djadyen.choices import Status

class ConfirmationView(AdyenResponseMixin, TemplateView):
    template_name = 'my_project/confirmation.html'
    model = Order

    def handle_authorised(self):
        self.order.status = Status.Authorised
        return self.done()

    def handle_pending(self):
        self.order.status = Status.Pending
        return self.done()

    def handle_refused(self):
        self.order.status = Status.Refused
        return self.done()

    def handle_error(self):
        self.order.status = Status.Error
        return self.done()

    def handle_canceled(self):
        self.order.status = Status.Cancel
        return self.done()

    def handle_default(self):
        if self.psp_reference:
            self.order.psp_reference = self.psp_reference

If you did not pass the reference of the order in the merchantReference. You might want to set the auto_fetch to False. Now there is also no order set to self and you need to fetch the order yourself.

from djadyen.views import AdyenResponseMixin
from djadyen.choices import Status

class ConfirmationView(AdyenResponseMixin, TemplateView):
    template_name = 'my_project/confirmation.html'
    auto_fetch = False

    def handle_authorised(self):
        # Do stuff

    def handle_pending(self):
        # Do stuff

    def handle_refused(self):
        # Do stuff

    def handle_error(self):
        # Do stuff

    def handle_canceled(self):
        # Do stuff

    def handle_default(self):
        # Do stuff that is required for all functions above. Like settings the psp_reference

Adyen notifications

Setup the standard notifications in Adyen. These will comunicate about the payments if they were succesful or not. This is very important because the notifications will be needed when a payment is redirected with a pending payment.

The notifications will be stored in the database. You need to write the handling of the notifications yourself.


  • AdyenResponseMixin.auto_fetch has been deprecated.


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