
This is an extension for Azure DevOps that is a wrapper arround gitleaks created by Zachary Rice for easy execution inside your pipeline. Gitleaks is a SAST tool for detecting hardcoded secrets like passwords, api keys, and tokens in git repos. Gitleaks is an easy-to-use, all-in-one solution for finding secrets, past or present, in your code.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Thanks to Zachary Rice for creating and maintaining gitleaks.

Thanks to Jesse Houwing for providing a gitleaks config that has most of Microsoft's deprecated credscan rules ported to it.

Thanks to John Lokkerse for providing feedback.

This Azure DevOps task downloads gitleaks and runs a gitleak scan on the specified location. It can only scan already checked-out repo's on the agent because it is currently not possible to scan Azure DevOps repo-urls. See this github issue for more information.

YAML Snippet

# Run Gitleaks on Source Repository
- task: Gitleaks@1
    scanfolder: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'


Any feedback on gitleaks, please reach out to Zachary Rice for creating and maintaining gitleaks.

Any feedback on the Azure configuration file ('UDMSecretChecks.toml') is welcome. See Jesse Houwing's github repo

The configuration file isn't as good as credscan was before, it had a bunch of helper functions to rule out false positives that aren't (yet) possible with gitleaks.


Name Description
scanfolder The location to be scanned. Defaults to $(Build.SourcesDirectory). This is passed to gitleaks as '--path='
configtype Can be 'default', 'predefined' or 'custom'. 'default' is using the default gitleaks setup. When set to 'predefined' you can pass the argument 'predefinedconfigfile'. When set to 'custom' you need to pass the argument 'configfile' with the filename of your gitleaks config file.
predefinedconfigfile When set to 'UDMSecretChecks.toml' it uses the Credscan config file provided by Jesse Houwing.
configfile Sets the custom configfile in your repo. Use a relative path within the scanfolder. Example: '.github/gitleaks.config'
verbose When set to true, gitleaks prints verbose output.
nogit When set to true, gitleaks will be executed with the --no-git option.
uploadresults When set to true, the results of gitleaks (in JSON) will be uploaded as an artifact to Azure DevOps.
version Version of Gitleaks to be used. See the gitleaks github page. Set to 'latest' to download the latest version of gitleaks.

How do I remove a secret from git's history?

Github has a great article on this using the BFG Repo Cleaner.