
A Capture-The-Flag contract on Ethereum

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Clue is an Ethereum-based CTF game. Work in progress


Deploy contract

truffle develop
migrate --reset

Start CTF app

npm start

Setup Metamask

Create a new network in Metamask using Custom RPC, and select http://localhost:9545 to connect with truffle. Then (create and) copy the primary accounts address and send some ether to it:

truffle develop
> await web3.eth.sendTransaction({from: accounts[0], to: "0xB81909F3360e22067e4AA379C9FB5916154271a1", value: "1000000000000000000"})


Create a .env file and add:

WALLET_WORDS=abc def ghi...
ETH_NODE_URL=path to your ethereum node

To test:

$ truffle develop
truffle> test

To deploy:

$ truffle migrate --network goerli (--reset)

Interacting with the contract on goerli

Get the deployed instance

$ truffle console --network goerli
> migrate (--reset)
> clue = await Clue.deployed()

Instantiate an existing contract

$ truffle console --network goerli
> clue = await Clue.at('0x...contract address')

Setup and test clues

See code in test/Clue.js for more examples.

# Setup a flag with the SHA3 hash of the solution
> await clue.resetClue("What's the story, morning glory?", web3.utils.sha3("ain't no slug, jitterbug"))

# Make a commitment for the solution (before solving)
> await clue.commit(web3.utils.keccak256(web3.utils.hexToBytes(accounts[0]).concat(web3.utils.hexToBytes(web3.utils.toHex("ain't no slug, jitterbug")))))

# Call solve and get return value without modifying chain state:
> await clue.solve.call("ain't no slug, jitterbug")

# Call solve for real (modify chain state), get tx hash (but not return value):
> accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts()
> await clue.solve("ain't no slug, jitterbug", {from: accounts[1]})

# Account balance of caller should now be 1:
> await clue.balanceOf.call(accounts[1])