A Python3 wrapper tool to help using ITU Turkish NLP Pipeline API -- UNMAINTAINED --
- 0x01hIstanbul, Turkey
- 0xferit@butterygg
- aeakdogan
- ahmedbrSestek
- AhmedYasinKULEarth (currently)
- aybukeTurkey
- bariscimen
- benonilearnsIstanbul, Turkey
- berkeoralMicrosoft
- birolcapa
- cakirmuhaIstanbul, Turkey
- campalite
- dotyigitmatrix
- drenchedcoat
- DuyguAWill be on sabbatical leave for some time
- ekpyrosis@gkwtechnologies
- emrahkirdokMersin University
- fsonmez
- gozdedemirciNew York, NY
- gurhancaginİstanbul
- gusanmazTekirdag, Turkey
- kaaninanPlanet Earth
- mesutpiskinTurkey
- muratayazoglu
- mustafaberkaymutluBerlin
- NisanurBulutSiemens/Digital Transformation
- ofenerciIstanbul
- olckaraNetherlands
- ozgurshn
- patronlargibiIstanbul, Turkey
- seyyahPSU
- sourvilIstanbul
- tolgaaydin
- uguraydrdETIYA
- ulgensFreelance Developer
- umutcnkus