
Week 6 Challenge @ Makers Academy: Twitter Clone

Primary LanguageRuby

Week 6 Challenge @ Makers Academy

Chatterbox - a twitter clone that will allow the users to post messages to a public stream. Hosted on Heroku @ http://fast-wave-2933.herokuapp.com/

Ruby Version

Ruby 2.1.2

Technologies used:

  • Sinatra
  • Postgres SQL and Datamapper ORM
  • Bcrypt
  • Rspec and Capybara for testing


  • To use chatterBOX fully users must sign in
  • Non registered users can view content but cannot contribute
  • Users must log in to post (Hoot), reply (Hoot 'em back), and see all threads they are active in (Hootenannies)
  • Users can log out at any time
  • Users can post a Hoot to chatterBOX
  • Hoots are arranged in chronological order of the first post.
  • On the right hand side of a Hoot a user can see the number of Hoot 'em backs associated with the post and can add a new hoot 'em back'
  • Each user can access their Hootenannies page that shows them all Hoots they have been active in (either Hoots or Hoot 'em backs')
  • If a user forgets their password they can request for it to be reset through their registered email account

Running the application:

$ rackup from root will open app on port 9292

Running the test suite:

$ rspec from root