
Week 9 Challenge @ Makers Academy: Reddit Clone

Primary LanguageRuby

Week 9 Challenge @ Makers Academy: Reddit Clone (SkimdIt)

Hosted on heroku @ http://morning-tundra-6356.herokuapp.com/

Ruby Version

Ruby 2.1.2


Create a clone of reddit including posting of links or text, comments, voting on comments, a variety of ranking algorithms, nested replies to comments and search functionality.

Technologies used:

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Javascript & jQuery
  • RSpec & Capybara for testing ruby components
  • Poltergeist/Phantom JS for testing JavaScript components
  • Bootstrap for styling & modals
  • Postgres DB
  • Factory girl for generating feature test objects


  • Users can submit posts consisting of a title and either a link or text
  • Users can vote posts up or down, but can only vote once on each post
  • Users can comment on posts
  • Users can reply to comments on posts
  • Users have access to a number of views that sort posts according to the different ranking algorithms: default, fresh, controversial and rising
  • Users can search the site for key words in a post title from the navigation bar

Ranking Algorithms:

  • Default (Hot): ranks posts according to total positive votes. Applies a hard time weighting
  • Fresh: ranks post according to time created only
  • Controversial: ranks posts according to total number of votes (up and down) and total number of comments. Applies a soft time weighting
  • Rising: ranks posts according to the ratio of upvotes to overall votes. Removes any posts older than 12 hours


  • Used recursive functionality to trace a reply back to its parent post, allowing for infinitely nested replies

Running the application:

  • bin/rails server in CLI will open the app on port 3000
  • rspec in CLI from the root directory will run the test suite
  • bin/rake db:seed will seed the database with sample entries to demonstrate functionality