
Week 7 @ Makers Academy: Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock in JS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Week 7 @ Makers Academy

Introduction to Javascript building rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock.

Deployed to heroku @ http://peaceful-sands-4597.herokuapp.com/


  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • Jasmine for testing
  • Sinatra server


  • User can play a game of rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock vs. the computer
  • The score of all games in a given session is displayed on the page
  • The last five results are displayed as messages on the page


  • Player: picks a move
  • Game: generates a result and an appropriate victory message

Running the application:

$ rackup from root will open the application on port 9292

Running the test suite:

Open SpecRunner.html in any web browser