
Technical Test

Primary LanguageRuby

Tech Test: Vending Machine

Code Climate Test Coverage

Ruby Version:

Ruby 2.1.2


  • Design a vending machine in code
  • Machine should have an initial load of products and change and can be subsequently reloaded
  • Machine will release a product if sufficient funds are given
  • Machine will return change if too much money is given


  • Vending Machine: returns a product in exchange for money
  • Product: item with a price and id
  • Basket: collection of products
  • Change: has a denomination and amount


  • Change object is creating using denominations in pence rather than strings e.g '£1', but could be easily adapted to translate if required
  • Did not add functionality to reload machine to runner script due to time constraints but functionality is demonstrated in tests

Running the test suite:

From root directory:

$ rspec

Running the Application:

From root directory:

$ ruby run.rb


Machine Contents
[#<Product:0x007fc9ca9028d8 @id=0, @price=55>,     
#<Product:0x007fc9ca05ff78 @id=1, @price=75>,     
#<Product:0x007fc9ca05eec0 @id=2, @price=97>]
Please enter a product id:
Please enter money provided
[#<Product:0x007fc97085e7b0 @id=1, @price=75>,     
[#<Change:0x007fc97084d2d0 @denomination=20, @amount=1>,     
#<Change:0x007fc97084d280 @denomination=2, @amount=2>]]