Inspired by:
- Read in a solidity file or a contract's ABI in .json.
- Supported outputs -> json, json-mini, ethers
- The converted ABI is written to a directory and to console.
- Fetch a contract's ABI from Etherscan.
The usage of the utility is dependent on the 'command' input.
There are two commands, fetch and format.
For fetch, config and address are the relevant options.
The --address option is used to supply a contract address to fetch from Etherscan. This option is required.
The --config option is used to supply a .yaml config with etherscan_api_key
The --config option is not necessary if an .env is used instead.
fetch recommended usage: $ ./abi_converter_cli -- --cmd fetch --addr 0xcA11bde05977b3631167028862bE2a173976CA11
For format, the relevant options are input_path, input_type, output_type. All of these options are required.
Valid Input Types
- sol => .sol
- json/json_mini => .json
Valid Output Types
- json => pretty JSON
- json_mini => JSON-minified
- ethers => ethers-rs
- all => converts to all available formats, i.e. if sol -> all, the output will be json, json-mini, and ethers.
format recommended usage: $ ./abi_converter_cli -- --cmd format --in tmp.json --itype json --otype ethers
Usage: abi_converter_cli [OPTIONS] --cmd <command>
-c, --cmd <command>
-i, --in <input_path>
-d, --itype <input_type>
-t, --otype <output_type>
-f, --conf <config>
-a, --addr <address>
-h, --help Print help
- Quickly convert the ABI of contract(s) you are developing for readability and/or portability.
- Quickly cache ABI(s) of contracts/interfaces you are interacting with.
- Convert again if necessary.
Check the work
directory for examples.