
Python program that utilizes the selenium library to vote for bots on top.gg. Supports multiple tokens.

Primary LanguagePython

top.gg autovoter

Python program that utilizes the selenium library to vote for bots on top.gg.


The program opens a top.gg vote site, given a bot ID. It then logs in using the discord tokens provided and votes for the bot. Works with multiple tokens, though there is a cap per IP (refer to additional information below).


  • Chrome beta version (As of 10 Jul 2022, latest chrome version 103 does NOT work, install chrome beta v104 here)
  • Chromedriver (Included binary in this repo here so i doubt you have to install)
  • Python 3
  • Selenium
  • Discord tokens


  • Clone repo
  • cd into the directory
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Download chromedriver and add to PATH
  • Rename tokens.txt.example to tokens.txt and fill in discord tokens
  • Edit config variables in config.json
  • Run multivote.py


  • multivote.py -h


  • Running with arguments
# Votes for bot with id
python multivote.py -b 432610292342587392

Additional information

  • There is a cap to how many times you can vote from a certain IP, support for scraping proxies is currently not available.
