
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This project is an exploration of the HTTP protocol by building a custom HTTP server in C++98. It provides a hands-on experience in understanding the intricacies of web communication, allowing users to test the server with a browser. The project covers both mandatory and bonus features, emphasizing non-blocking operations, configuration files, and CGI support.

Build Instructions


  • Unix-compliant system
  • c++ compiler
  • make
  • php cgi ( optional )


  1. clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/0xhoussam/http-1.1.git && cd http-1.1
  1. create the following directories
mkdir -p /tmp/webserv/cgi
  1. compile the project
  1. create a config file
default test.com:1337 {
  route / {
    methods GET;
    root ./static/;
    index index.html;

the syntax is inspired by Caddy server config file

  1. run the server
./http config_file

Serving a static website

  1. we need an example of a static website you can use anyone you prefer for demonstration i will be using this repo as an example
git clone https://github.com/YaninaTrekhleb/restaurant-website.git website
  1. let's add a config to server this website
default website.com:1337 {
  route / {
    methods GET POST;
    root ./website/;
    index index.html;

save this in a file i will be saving it in a file called website.conf

make sure that the root directive points exactly where the folder of the repo you cloned

  1. now serve the website
./http website.conf

Serving project with CGI (common gateway interface)

in this example, I will use WordPress as an example

  1. download WordPress from their website
  2. configure a server
default example.com:1337 {
  route / {
    methods GET POST;
    root ./wordpress/;
    index index.php;
    cgi php /usr/bin/php-cgi;
  • make sure that the root points exactly to where you put WordPress
  • make sure that php cgi is installed and write its path in the CGI
  1. directive an easy way to find its path is by running
which php-cgi
  1. if you open the browser and go to localhost:1337 WordPress should be served