
i implemented public key cryptosystem, based of RSA algorithme .

Primary LanguageC

Simple implementation of RSA algorithm.

there is three programs, the first generate the Keys and the second crypt a message and the last decrypt it .

To compile the three programes : Run the command:

make all

To crypt a meesage, create two files (one for the meesage and one for the key) and feed them to the crypt binary:

./crypt message_file key_file

To decrypt a message, do the same but this time with the decrypt binary:

./decrypt message_file key_file

the Key program :

the key programme generate 3 numbers (e and n and d), represent them in two files of size 16 bytes, key_rsa and key_rsa.pub , key_rsa contain d and n (private key), key_rsa.pub contain e and n (public key).

How I did it ?

I generate two prime numbers p and q of 5 digits using Rand function and change the argument seed using srand function with time as parameter , so every second the rand generate a different number.

then I calculate

$n = p * q$ and $f = (p - 1)*(q - 1)$

e is coprime with f. To find e and d I initialize e with max(p,q) , why max(p,q)? to stay in the same range and keep it hard to reverse. I iterate e till GCD(e,f) = 1 and d > 0, using Extended Euclidean algorithm.

finally lets put the keys in their files (accordingly).

                          public key file (16bytes) contain e and n [8bytes = e][8bytes = n],

                          private key file (16bytes) contain d and n [8bytes = d][8bytes = n].

crypt and decrypt programs :

lets say me and Jim want to start a conversation, first we need to generate our keys then send our public key to each other.

Jim opened a file, wrote a message and crypted it using my public key then he send it to me.

I receive it and decrypt it using my own private key.

m is the bytes's range of n. For example 2 is the bytes's range of 257 because it occupies 2 bytes in memory.

how Jim crypted the message? , first he gets e and n from my public key file, he reads the message from the end and gets the value M of every m - 1 byte, and computes M power of e modulo n and obtains the crypted value then stores it in m byte in the crypted message .

                [m - 1 bytes of the message] -----------> [m bytes of the crypted message]

why exactly m - 1 bytes become m bytes? because the result of the calculation give as a number of range of n whitch is m .

I get d and n from my private key file, then I start decrypting it : starting from the end I get the value C of every m byte (always starting from the end), and I compute C power of d modulo n after that I obtain the original value then I store it in the decrypted message.

                [m bytes of the crypted message] -----------> [m - 1 bytes of the decrypted message]

The calculation gives a number of range n (m bytes). So why this time we can store it in m - 1 bytes? Because the decryption gives us the original value that can be stored in m - 1.

Why it is possible :

Proofs of correctness : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_(cryptosystem)#Proofs_of_correctness

Resources to grasp the math behind it:

what is a prime number? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_number

GCD(a,b), what does it mean? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greatest_common_divisor

a is coprime with b, what does it mean? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coprime_integers

The Bézout's identity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9zout%27s_identity

About the extended Euclidean Algorithm : video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwRtISxAHY4 , Documentation :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Euclidean_algorithm

To read about the modular exponentiation and understand how to calculate exponentiation performed over a modulus efficiently : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modular_exponentiation

To learn more read the PDF accompanying the files in this repo.


Thanks for your attention, and I hope you learned something.