A code, that every time you turn on your laptop, your Email will receive co-ordinates of your laptop......So that when your laptop is stolen, you can get to it....The code also types "fuck you" for the thief

Primary LanguagePython


Step 1: Run the batch file to install the pre-requisites Step 2: Make a disposable "GMAIL ID", and in that turn "allow less secure apps" to on step 3: Open the python script (Theif Fucker) step 4: Enter the disposable ID and it's password, step 5: Enter the ID you want to recieve the co-oridnates on step 6: Run the script step 7: if (script runs){ open start menu type "task scheduler" make it a task that runs A. when the computer starts B. when it connects to the internet (google how to) } else: please tell me