
Splatnet/Music Bot

Primary LanguagePython

Splatnet/Music Bot

Splatnet/Music bot was originally created to be a music/soundclip playing bot. It has evolved into its primary purpose of fetching data about Splatoon 2 maps/Splatnet to help discord servers to access this information quickly.


Requires https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py discord python library to function.

Requires youtube-dl and ffmpeg for online video/music playback.

Soundclips are to be placed in a directory defined by discordbot.json.

Likely more dependencies needed to be listed later.

Alternatively, use the following link to join the bot to your server!

Discord Bots


An example configuration file is given at discordbot.json.example. This file needs to be completed and moved to discordbot.json.

Soundsdir is a directory to place soundclips to play with the !file command.

There are a few admin commands to configure the bot:

  • !admin playlist URL
  • !admin blacklist URL
  • !admin dm add
  • !admin dm remove

Run the command with a URL to either add it to the !playrandom playlist or prevent the video at the URL from ever being played.

To subscribe to direct DM's on users leaving, run !admin dm add. To unsubscribe to this, run !admin dm remove.

The following admin commands are used for chat squelching (voice mute to come soon)

  • !admin squelch @user hours reason
  • !admin unsquelch @user
  • !admin squelch current
  • !admin squelch log

The squelch current command gives a list of all users currently squelched by the bot, squelch log provides a detailed log of what users are actively or ever were squeleched.

To run these commands, you need the administrator role in your discord server.


Complete the discordbot.json config file with the necessary fields. Currently implemented commands are as follows:

  • !joinvoice OR !join CHANNELNAME : Join a Voice Channel, must be exact Upper/Lower case or if no name is provided, join the voice chat you are currently connected to.
  • !play URL : Play/Queue Up a website to Play from URL
  • !play SOURCE SEARCH : Searches SOURCE for SEARCH to play (Supports Youtube/Soundcloud)
  • !playrandom # : Plays a random url from my playlist. Optional #, queues # videos to play
  • !currentsong : Displays the currently playing Song/Video
  • !queue : Displays my current queue of songs to play
  • !stop OR !skip : Stop a current playing video and play the next one
  • !volume : Sets my global voice volume (Youtube defaults to 7%, caps at 60% vol)
  • !sounds : List all possible sounds, prepend ! to play
  • !currentmaps : Displays the current Splatoon 2 Gamemodes/Maps
  • !nextmaps : Displays the upcoming Splatoon 2 Gamemodes/Maps (!nextnextmaps displays 2 map rotations from now, etc)
  • !currentsr : Displays the current Splatoon 2 Salmon Run Map/Weapons
  • !nextsr : Displays the next Splatoon 2 Salmon Run Map/Weapons
  • !splatnetgear : Gets all of the current gear for sale on SplatNet
  • !storedm ABILITY : DM's you when a piece of gear with ABILITY appears in the store (only once, can't DM the bot with this)
  • !github : Displays my github link

Splatoon 2 Splatnet Commands

The following commands require you to DM the bot with !token and follow the instructions

  • !rank : Shows your ranks in the ranked gamemodes
  • !stats : Shows various stats from your gameplay
  • !srstats : Shows various stats from Salmon Run
  • !order ID : The !splatnetgear command gives you 'ID to buy' run this with that ID to place an order in the splatnet store

The following command requires 3 roles to be in place. Americas - Europe - Japan/Asia (will work fine without them)

  • !us OR !eu OR !jp : Show what region you hail from (Americas, Europe, and Japan/Asia respectfully)

This command will be corrected to allow configuration of roles at a later date
