
Low-cost ESP8266 based driver for "Dumb" 12V 5050 RGB LED Strips

IoT driver for "Dumb" 5050 RGB LED Strips

ESP8266-based LED Driver designed to work with WLED and cheap 12V barrel-jack power supplies for accent lighting around the home.

This driver was designed to allow network-enabled control of almost any 12V "dumb" strip around, from plain white to FCOB strips to RGBW.

My v1.0 worked perfectly, so I'm going to leave it as-is. The only upgrades I'd make at this point are:

  1. WLED announced that they're deprecating ESP8266 support right after I ordered v1.0, but for driving a single color the ESP8266 should be more than enough.
  2. There's some whine from the Power mosfet drivers, but it's barely noticable and not really worth addressing unless I was already doing a redesign.

See Releases for all the necessary files and information to make your own!


  • Uses mini blade fuses for overcurrent protection and to protect against fire hazard from shorts on bad quality LED strips
  • Board designed to handle up to and above maximum expected from most LED strips (8A)
  • 4 channels to handle RGBW: or up to 4 single-color strips
  • Terminal block for ease of use connecting strips and a 2.1mm jack allowing use of cheap 12V supplies you have lying around
  • Capable of both programming and debug over SOICbite Connector.
  • Includes status and power LEDs and board overvoltage protection

  • See ABOUT.md for some information about design goals and the project.


Output ESP Pin


I also designed a 3D printable case, which can be found under case/. The screw terminals are still easily accessible, and there's a window on the bottom so you can see the board name and version without having to open it.

  • The case uses M2x8mm screws to hold the two halves together, and is designed to be printed in PLA with 10% infill.

v1.0 - First try works!

  • Complete redesign from v0.2, with a focus on overall system design and ease of setup for the end user.
  • Uses mini blade fuses for overcurrent protection and to protect against fire hazard from shorts on bad quality LED strips
  • Board designed to handle up to and above maximum expected from most LED strips (8A)
  • 4 channels to handle RGBW: or up to 4 single-color strips
  • Terminal block for ease of use connecting strips and a 2.1mm jack allowing use of cheap 12V supplies you have lying around
  • Capable of both programming and debug over SOICbite Connector.
  • Includes status and power LEDs and board overvoltage protection

v1.0 PCB Render Front v1.0 PCB Render Back v1.0 PCB Layout

v0.1 - Quick Board Mock-up

  • My first 4 layer board! But some improvement still possible

v0.1 PCB Render Front v0.1 PCB Render Back