node.js v7.7.3
npm v4.1.2
$ npm install
$ npm test
const calculator = require('./calculator.js')
const result = caculator.calcCost(basePrice, personNum, category)
- basePrice: Number (greater than 0)
- personNum: Integer (greater than 0)
- category: String, "food", "drugs", "electronics", "other"
if all args are valid, return
{done: true, result: 40}
if invalid or missing, return
{done: false, msg: 'arg missing'}
Check if parameters are missing or invalid to make sure calculator works well.
Using category map, instead of "if else" statement, to calculate cost is more straightforward.
Define typeof val === 'undefined' which is called multiple times as a public function.
If only return false or return error message, it is not clear for caller to check error. So I decided to return done: false or done: true instead.