
A heatmap overlay for react-map-gl built using webgl-heatmap originally created by Florian Boesch.

screen shot 2016-02-15 at 1 54 42 pm


var HeatmapOverlay = require('react-map-gl-heatmap-overlay');
var cities = require('example-cities');

Where each element in cities looks like: {longitude, latitude}.

    render() {
      return <MapGL {...viewport}>
        <HeatmapOverlay locations={cities} {...viewport}/>

The locations prop can be an array or ImmutableJS List.


Data accessors can be provided if your data doesn't fit the expected {longitude, latitude} form.

    render() {
      return <MapGL ...viewport>
        <HeatmapOverlay locations={houses} {...viewport}
          lngLatAccessor={(house) => [house.get('lng'), house.get('lat')]} />

Other accessors and their defaults:

    intensityAccessor: (location) => {1 / 10}
    sizeAccessor: (location) => 40,
    // If not specified, defaults to Viridis.
    gradientColors: Immutable.List(['blue', 'red'])


npm install react-map-gl-heatmap-overlay


npm run start

To run the example.


The included example uses raster tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under CC BY SA.