Volt Wallet


Chrome store

You can download the latest stable version from the chrome store.

Getting started

This guide will take you through setting up the extension in a local environment.

Start a local Vite node. The easiest way is to use the Solidity++ Visual Studio Code Extension as described here. This should start a local node at

Ensure you are using node 14+:

$ nvm install 14
$ nvm use 14

Clone repo and cd into it. Then, install node_modules:

$ npm install

Start webpack build server:

$ make

On a new tab, launch a chrome session pre-installed with the extension. The chrome session opens up in the src/example dapp at http://localhost:7777/example.html.

$ make pack



  • Create account
  • Import account
  • Add accounts in same derivation path scheme
  • Network switch. Support mainnet, testnet, local and custom.
  • Export private key
  • Export mnemonic
  • Add custom tokens

Injected script

  • Request connected accounts
  • Request connect new account + domain
  • Request createAccountBlock request
  • Emit popup changes: account, chain etc


  • Load and subscribe to current account VITE balances

Demo walk-through


Production builds

To install a production ready build:

  • Download the latest release from the releases section.
  • Unzip the download.
  • Head over to the Chrome extension section (chrome://extensions/) and enable Developer mode.
  • Click Load unpacked.
  • Select the unzipped folder of the build.
  • This should successfully load the extension, and you can now access it from the browser extension's toolbar.
  • For your safety, use a burner mnemonic phrase/account when importing a wallet for testing.

Demo dapp & contract


