
This repository contains the source code and related materials for a digital calculator designed as a project for a 2023 digital design course. The project primarily uses Digital Tool (.dig) available at Digital Tool, and Icarus Verilog for simulation purposes.

Primary LanguageVerilogMIT LicenseMIT

Digital Design Calculator Project (2023)

This repository houses the Digital Design Calculator Project undertaken as part of the 2023 digital design course. The project involves designing a digital calculator using specific tools and techniques.

Tools Used:

Project Overview:

The goal of this project is to implement a digital calculator utilizing the resources provided by the Digital Tool (.dig extension) and simulating the design using Icarus Verilog. The project focuses on applying digital design concepts learned during the course to create a functional calculator.

Files and Directory Structure:

  • /project: Contains the source code for the digital calculator design.
  • /docs: Supplementary documentation related to the design reports.

Usage Instructions:

  1. Digital Tool Installation: Follow the instructions provided in the Digital Tool repository to install and set up the required environment.

  2. Simulating the Design with Icarus Verilog:

    • Install Icarus Verilog for simulating the design.
    • Set up Icarus Verilog to simulate the digital calculator.
  3. Configuration of Digital Tool:

    • In the advanced settings of the Digital Tool, configure the path for iverilog (C:\iverilog\bin\iverilog.exe) to enable seamless integration with Icarus Verilog.
  4. Project Report:

    • Access the comprehensive project report documenting the design process, methodology, and results. It is available in MS Word format within the /docs directory.