___ __ _ __ / | __ __/ /_____ / | / /___ ___ ____ _____ / /| |/ / / / __/ __ \/ |/ / __ `__ \/ __ `/ __ \ / ___ / /_/ / /_/ /_/ / /| / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ |_\__,_/\__/\____/_/ |_/_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/ .___/ /_/ AutoNmap runs a daily Nmap scan, compares the results using ndiff and emails the results to a specified email address. It also puts a copy of the report into a directory so you can view it online/share it around, rather than viewing just the diff. Requires: nmap ndiff xsltproc INSTALL: Place autonmap.sh in a directory. e.g. /usr/local/autonmap/ Change the options in autonmap.conf (e.g. scan subnet(s), email recipient(s)) Add to cron using something like: 0 9 * * * /usr/local/autonmap/autonmap.sh >> /var/log/autonmap/autonmap.log 2>&1 The log file should contain some useful information in case debugging is required. WEB REPORT: AutoNmap will place a copy of the entire scan output in HTML format in a directory you specify.