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Avail Full Node Guide

System Requirements

Component Minimum Recommended
CPU (amd64/x86 architecture) 2 core 4 core
Storage (SSD) 20-40 GB 200-300 GB
OS Recommended Ubuntu 22.04

Install Full Node

  1. Install Dependecies:
   sudo apt-get -y update &&
   sudo apt-get install screen -y &&
   sudo apt-get -y install build-essential &&
   sudo apt-get -y install --assume-yes git clang curl libssl-dev protobuf-compiler && 
   curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh &&
   source ~/.cargo/env &&
   rustup default stable &&
   rustup update &&
   rustup update nightly && 
   rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly
  1. Remove old files of Avail Node (if you participated in Kate testnet):
sudo systemctl stop availd && \
sudo systemctl disable availd && \
rm /etc/systemd/system/availd.service && \
sudo systemctl daemon-reload && \
cd $HOME && \
rm -rf .avail && \
rm -rf avail && \
rm -rf $(which availd)
  1. Create Screen:
  • Step 4 takes a little longer to finish. The "screen" command can help you recover your terminal screen if it gets interrupted
  screen -S avail
  1. Build the lastest version of Avail Node (v1.8.0.0):
   mkdir -p $HOME/avail-node &&
   cd $HOME/avail-node &&
   git clone &&
   cd avail &&
   mkdir -p output &&
   mkdir -p $HOME/avail-node/data &&
   git checkout v1.8.0.0 &&
   cargo run --locked --release -- --chain goldberg -d ./output

 alt text Wait for the process to complete.

 alt text Now if your terminal is like the above pic, press Ctrl + C

  1. Create systemD (Before creating the service, please read all this step notes, then proceed with the command)
  • Find your [$HOME] directory (you need this later)

My [$HOME] is /root in the following example

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  • Create a .service file
   sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/availd.service && sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/availd.service

Now you are editing .service file

  • Paste the following command in it (Change [$HOME] in the command below before pasting it into the service. Please read more below):
   Description=Avail Validator

   ExecStart=[$HOME]/avail-node/avail/target/release/data-avail --base-path [$HOME]/avail-node/data --chain goldberg --port 30333  --rpc-cors=all --rpc-external --rpc-methods=unsafe --rpc-port 9933 --prometheus-port 9615  --validator --name "my-node"


In the above command, please note the following information:

  • [$HOME] if you typed the command $HOME, then copy the path to replace in [$HOME] as shown in the example above. Replace [$HOME] with /root

[$HOME]/avail-node/avail/target/release/data-avail will be /root/avail-node/avail/target/release/data-avail [$HOME]/avail-node/data will be /root/avail-node/data.

  • --name replace my-node with your favorite node name.
  • Ports 30333, 9933, 9615 must be opened in the firewall. If you are using a VPS, configure it to allow TCP/UDP connections through these ports. If you're using a VPS, please make sure the port is open from the provider's side.

After editing, press Ctrl + O and then Enter, then press Ctrl + X to exit.

  1. Open ports
sudo apt-get install ufw && sudo ufw enable && sudo ufw allow 30333/tcp && sudo ufw allow 9933/tcp && sudo ufw allow 9615/tcp
  1. Enable and start the Node:
   systemctl enable availd.service && systemctl start availd.service
  1. Check Node status:
   systemctl status availd.service

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Press Ctrl + C to quit

  1. Check Node logs:
   journalctl -f -u availd

 alt text If the finalized number equals the target number, your node is synced (#Finalized = #Target)

To check your node, visit Your node will be displayed after the synchronization process is complete and the node starts running.  alt text

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