Assisterr Incentivized Testnet

Join Testnet

Optional: Auto daily claim

if only you are using a windows server you can use this

1- In your browser, Press F12 or CTRL+SHIFT+I to open Developer window, You can Write anything in Console tab

  • Make sure you are in your assisterr dashboard (daily claim page) when openning Developer window


2- To allow pasting codes, write: allow pasting

3- Paste this code when your Assisterr site is open

function dailyClaim() {
    // Select Button
    var claimButton = document.querySelector("button.inline-flex.items-center.justify-center.whitespace-nowrap.rounded-md.text-sm.font-medium.ring-offset-background.transition-colors.disabled\\:pointer-events-none.disabled\\:opacity-50.focus-visible\\:outline-\\[darkgrey\\]\\:bg-accent.hover\\\\:mt-12.max-w-96.w-full");
    if (claimButton) {;
        console.log("Daily claim done");
    } else {
        console.log("Daily claim button not found");

// Repeats per 12h (43200000 ms)
setInterval(dailyClaim, 43200000);
