
Predicting genetic risk of developing HGPCa using Somatic SNPs

Primary LanguagePython

Computational Genomics Final Project

In this project, we are proposing a classification engine using somatic single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to predict patients who are significantly at risk of developing HGPCa.

For a detailed understanding of the study, see the writeup attached to this repo.

Running Instructions

sh process_data.sh $data_directory $results_directory
sh train_model.sh $data_directory $results_directory
sh test_model.sh $data_directory $results_directory

Things To Do

  • Setup data pipeline
  • Parse gleason labels
  • Tie gleason labels to entity IDs in .maf file
  • Parse SNP data
  • Tie SNP data to gleason labels
  • Implement cross validation
  • Use Sci-kit for 3 models and evaluate on cross-validation data
  • Evaluate performance of different methods
  • Write final paper
  • Write powerpoint