
Partie frontend - pld jardin

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Projet basé sur angular 2 seed.

Installation :

Installer nodejs et npm. (:warning: nodejs > 4 et npm > 3) .exe pour windows et ici pour Ubuntu.

# Installer le projet et ses dépendances (attention peut-être long !)
npm install

# lance le projet, rafraichit automatiquement lors d'un changement
npm start

# ------ Autres commandes -------------
# api document for the app
npm run build.docs

# dev build
npm run build.dev
# prod build
npm run build.prod


Guide de style Angular 2 : Angular 2 Style Guide


Default application server configuration

var PORT             = 5555;
var LIVE_RELOAD_PORT = 4002;
var DOCS_PORT        = 4003;
var APP_BASE         = '/';

Configure at runtime

npm start -- --port 8080 --reload-port 4000 --base /my-app/

Directory Structure

├── README.md
├── gulpfile.ts                <- configuration of the gulp tasks
├── package.json               <- dependencies of the project
├── src                        <- source code of the application
│   ├── home
│   │   └── components
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── main.ts
│   ├── shared
│   │   └── services
│   │       ├── name-list...
│   └──      └── name-list...
├── tools
│   ├── README.md              <- build documentation
│   ├── config
│   │   ├── project.config.ts  <- configuration of the specific project
│   │   ├── seed.config....
│   │   └── seed.config.ts     <- generic configuration of the seed project
│   ├── config.ts              <- exported configuration (merge both seed.config and project.config, project.config overrides seed.config)
│   ├── debug.ts
│   ├── manual_typings
│   │   ├── project            <- manual ambient typings for the project
│   │   │   └── sample.pac...
│   │   └── seed               <- seed manual ambient typings
│   │       ├── merge-stre..
│   │       └── slash.d.ts
│   ├── tasks                  <- gulp tasks
│   │   ├── project            <- project specific gulp tasks
│   │   │   └── sample.tas...
│   │   └── seed               <- seed generic gulp tasks. They can be overriden by the project specific gulp tasks
│   ├── utils                  <- build utils
│   │   ├── project            <- project specific gulp utils
│   │   │   └── sample_util...
│   │   ├── project.utils.ts
│   │   ├── seed               <- seed specific gulp utils
│   │   │   ├── clean.ts
│   │   │   ├── code_change...
│   │   │   ├── server.ts
│   │   │   ├── tasks_tools.ts
│   │   │   ├── template_loc...
│   │   │   ├── tsproject.ts
│   │   │   └── watch.ts
│   │   └── seed.utils.ts
│   └── utils.ts
├── tsconfig.json              <- configuration of the typescript project (ts-node, which runs the tasks defined in gulpfile.ts)
├── tslint.json                <- tslint configuration
├── typings                    <- typings directory. Contains all the external typing definitions defined with typings
└──  typings.json

How to extend?

Visit the Wiki page of the project.

Here is how to speedup the build on Windows.