
Scrape Amazon product data such as Product Name, Product Images, Number of Reviews, Price, Product URL, and ASIN.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Amazon Products Scraper

PyPI version

Scrape Amazon product data such as Product Name, Product Images, Number of Reviews, Price, Product URL, and ASIN.


Python 2.7 and later.


You can install this package by using the pip tool and installing:

pip install amazon-scrape
## OR
easy_install amazon-scrape

Install from source with:

python setup.py install --user

## or `sudo python setup.py install` to install the package for all users

Scraper Help

Execute this command amazon_scraper --help in the terminal.

usage: amazon_scraper [-h] [--locale LOCALE] [--keywords KEYWORDS] [--url URL] [--proxy_api_key PROXY_API_KEY] [--pages PAGES] [-r]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --locale LOCALE       Amazon locale (e.g., "com", "co.uk", "de", etc.)
  --keywords KEYWORDS   Search keywords
  --url URL             Amazon URL
  --proxy_api_key       Scraper API Key
  --pages PAGES         Number of pages to scrape
  -r, --review          Scrape reviews

Usage Example

# Specify locale, keywords, API key, and number of pages to scrape:
amazon_scraper --locale com --keywords "laptop" --proxy_api_key "your_api_key" --pages 10

## Specify only keywords and API key (will default to "co.uk" locale and 20 pages):
amazon_scraper --keywords "iphone" --proxy_api_key "your_api_key"

## Specify a direct Amazon URL and API key (will default to "co.uk" locale and 20 pages):
amazon_scraper --url "https://www.amazon.de/s?k=iphone&crid=1OHYY6U6OGCK5&sprefix=ipho%2Caps%2C335&ref=nb_sb_noss_2" --proxy_api_key "your_api_key"

## Specify locale and Amazon URL (will default to 20 pages):
amazon_scraper --locale de --url "https://www.amazon.de/s?k=iphone&crid=1OHYY6U6OGCK5&sprefix=ipho%2Caps%2C335&ref=nb_sb_noss_2" --proxy_api_key "your_api_key"

## Specify review to scrape product(s) reviews:
amazon_scraper --keywords "watches" --proxy_api_key "your_api_key --review

Create Scraper API Account

Sign up for a Scraper API user account.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


(c) 2023 Finbarrs Oketunji. All Rights Reserved.