
A tool to scrape twitter contents using its API

Primary LanguagePython


A tool created to scrape twitter using its own API

URL Twitter API: https://developer.twitter.com/

Silvereye is a program that I developed that very morning, while I couldn't sleep. The goal is to collect twitters based on a specific hashtag. The goal is to collect criminal posts and carry out monitoring in a simpler and easier way. I use Twitter's own API and there are some limitations, I tried to do a direct scraping, but I didn't have the patience and good results. In the video example, I show a hashtag that is often used to comment on a very sad case that happened here in Brazil, which is why the twitters are in Portuguese.

I intend to improve even more and add collections from Reddit, 4Chans, Telegram and even Discord in some way. The focus is on monitoring more crimes, whether threats of violence in schools, child abuse content and even crimes related to human trafficking.