
Command line interface for ORE cryptocurrency mining [boost mode].

Primary LanguageRust


A command line interface for mining ORE cryptocurrency with the ability to use boost tx landing [98% success] with extended relayer

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New argument TIPS

Tips - The number of lamports you want to pay as a transaction boost fee (usually 40k lamports, less than $0.01)

Depending on the network load, the number of tips can be increased so that the transaction is processed in the first priority.

If you specify tips, transactions are sent to the relay https://rpc.ore.wtf.

If tips are not used, the standard ore-cli logic works (sending to the rpc with multiple attempts).

Usage example:

ore --rpc http://<rpc_host> --keypair 'keypair.json' --priority-fee 10000 --tips 50000 mine --cores 1

Commissions are sent to the account EoXEM37CZpA4pPv2pet4befGQ93sw2ZRNUrEWVQRJQnK associated with the tx relay.

Latency (RPC&relay)

Make sure your client instance is close to the RPC and relay https://rpc.ore.wtf (NY region located). Recommended latency value is 10-50ms

Benchmark of tx landing

Benchmark of successful transactions over the past 24 hours. Green indicators are successful transactions.


Ore-cli logger:



To install the CLI, use cargo:

cargo install --git https://github.com/0xpfapi/ore-cli-boost


To build the codebase from scratch, checkout the repo and use cargo to build:

cargo build --release


You can use the -h flag on any command to pull up a help menu with documentation:

ore -h