Relevant Multisigs

Multisig Network Address Roles Setup
DAO Multisig Mainnet 0x245cc372C84B3645Bf0Ffe6538620B04a217988B [executor, admin, emergency_restart, operator_admin, operator_operate, custodian, callback_admin, price_admin] 4/8
Emergency Multisig Mainnet 0xa8A6ff2606b24F61AFA986381D8991DFcCCd2D55 [emergency_shutdown, emergency_admin] 2/8
Policy Multisig Mainnet 0x0cf30dc0d48604A301dF8010cdc028C055336b2E [heart_admin, operator_policy, price_admin, bondmanager_admin, liquidityvault_admin, bridge_admin] 3/5

Understanding Roles

Olympus V3 uses the Default Framework to configure the protocol’s smart contracts and authorized addresses within the system.

Relevant Contracts

  1. Kernel.sol

    • Contract registry that manages all the contracts of the system. The Kernel is in charge of module and policy upgradability.


    • executor: Only address that can interact with the Kernel contract. The executor can install and upgrade modules, as well as approve and terminate policies.

  2. ROLES.sol

    • Module that stores all the active system roles.

Relevant Policies

  1. RolesAdmin.sol

    • Policy that has the ability to grant and revoke roles from ROLES.


    • ROLES


    • ROLES.saveRole
    • ROLES.removeRole


    • admin: Only address that can grant/revoke roles by calling grantRole() and revokeRole() respectively. It is also the only address that can propose a newAdmin by calling pushNewAdmin(). On top of that, the newAdmin must accept the role by calling pullNewAdmin().

  2. Emergency.sol

    • Policy that has the ability to shutdown critical system functionalities.


    • ROLES
    • TRSRY
    • MINTR


    • TRSRY.deactivate
    • TRSRY.activate
    • MINTR.deactivate
    • MINTR.activate


    • emergency_shutdown: has the ability to shutdown Treasury withdrawals by calling shutdownWithdrawals(), Minting capabilities by calling shutdownMinting(), or both by calling shutdown(). This role is held by the Emergency Multisig, requiring only 2 confirmations out of 8 signers.
    • emergency_restart: has the ability to restart Treasury withdrawals by calling restartWithdrawals(), Minting capabilities by calling restartMinting(), or both by calling restart(). This role is held by the DAO Multisig, requiring 4 confirmations out of 8 signers.

  3. Heart.sol

    • Policy that provides keeper rewards to call the beat() function which orchestrates state updates and fuels Olympus' market operations.


    • ROLES
    • PRICE


    • PRICE.updateMovingAverage


    • Only the heart_admin controls the liveliness of the Heart contract, as well as the Operator implementation and the reward tokens paid to keepers.

  4. Operator.sol

    • Policy that performs market operations to enforce OlympusDAO's OHM price range guidance policies against a specific reserve asset. These market operations are only performed under certain conditions and up to a specific capacity before the market must stabilize to regenerate more capacity.


    • ROLES
    • TRSRY
    • MINTR
    • PRICE
    • RANGE


    • TRSRY.withdrawReserves
    • TRSRY.increaseWithdrawApproval
    • TRSRY.decreaseWithdrawApproval
    • MINTR.mintOhm
    • MINTR.burnOhm
    • MINTR.mintOhm
    • MINTR.increaseMintApproval
    • MINTR.decreaseMintApproval
    • RANGE.updateCapacity
    • RANGE.updateMarket
    • RANGE.updatePrices
    • RANGE.regenerate
    • RANGE.setSpreads
    • RANGE.setThresholdFactor


    • operator_admin: Has the ability to initialize the system. Limited to the DAO Multisig and to a single execution.
    • operator_policy: Has the ability to execute policy-related functions that control the system liveliness and determine the parameters under which the system works. The liveliness functions are critical, since they can activate/deactivate the system, as well as regenerate the Treasury's capacity to perform market operations. Limited to the Policy Multisig contract.
    • operator_operate: Has the ability to make the system work. Executes different core functions depending on the system state. Limited to the Heart contract (triggered by keepers) and the DAO Multisig.
    • operator_reporter: Records a bond purchase and updates capacity accordingly. Limited to the BondCallback contract.

  5. TreasuryCustodian.sol

    • Policy that gatekeeps the Treasury. Prevents unauthorized contracts from interacting with the Treasury.


    • ROLES
    • TRSRY


    • TRSRY.withdrawReserves
    • TRSRY.increaseWithdrawApproval
    • TRSRY.decreaseWithdrawApproval
    • TRSRY.setDebt
    • TRSRY.increaseDebtorApproval
    • TRSRY.decreaseDebtorApproval


    • custodian: The solely manager of Treasury access. Has the ability to grant/revoke withdrawal/debt capabilities to external contracts. It can also withdraw funds form the Treasury directly. Finally, it can also revoke previous approvals for policies. Limited to the DAO Multisig.

  6. BondCallback.sol

    • Policy that handles the calls from the bond markets to gatekeep the interactions with the Treasury.


    • ROLES
    • TRSRY
    • MINTR


    • TRSRY.withdrawReserves
    • TRSRY.increaseWithdrawApproval
    • MINTR.mintOhm
    • MINTR.burnOhm
    • MINTR.increaseMintApproval


    • callback_admin: Has the ability to set he operator contract for the callback to use to report bond purchases. It also has the ability to send tokens in this contract to the Treasury.
    • callback_whitelist: Can whitelist a bond Teller, as well as blacklist specific bond markets in case there's an issue with the Teller.

  7. PriceConfig.sol

    • Policy that deals with the price observations and which serves as the price reference that guides the market operations of the system.


    • ROLES
    • PRICE


    • PRICE.initialize
    • PRICE.changeMovingAverageDuration
    • PRICE.changeObservationFrequency
    • PRICE.changeUpdateThresholds
    • PRICE.changeMinimumTargetPrice


    • price_admin: Has the ability to configure the observation frequency, as well as determine the moving average duration and the minimum target price.

  8. BondManager.sol

    • Policy that manages the auctions and the issuance of OHM Bonds.


    • ROLES
    • TRSRY
    • MINTR


    • MINTR.mintOhm
    • MINTR.burnOhm
    • MINTR.increaseMintApproval
    • MINTR.decreaseMintApproval


    • bondmanager_admin: Has the ability to configure the auction parameters, create new bond markets, finalize them, as well as some emergency functions in case there is a malfunction.
  9. BLVaultManagerLido.sol

    • Policy that manages the auctions and the issuance of OHM Bonds.


    • ROLES
    • TRSRY
    • MINTR
    • BLREG


    • MINTR.mintOhm
    • MINTR.burnOhm
    • MINTR.increaseMintApproval
    • BLREG.addVault
    • BLREG.removeVault


    • liquidityvault_admin: Has the ability to configure the Lido Boosted Liquidity Vault parameters, as well as activating the vaults.
    • emergency_admin: Has the ability shut down the Lido Boosted Liquidity Vaults.
  10. CrossChainBridge.sol

    • Policy that serves as the message bridge for cross-chain OHM transfers. Uses LayerZero as communication protocol.


    • ROLES
    • MINTR


    • MINTR.mintOhm
    • MINTR.burnOhm
    • MINTR.increaseMintApproval


    • bridge_admin: Has the ability to set the bridge configuration, as well as activating and deactivating the bridge.

Active Roles

Network Kernel Address Executor Address Label
Mainnet 0x2286d7f9639e8158FaD1169e76d1FbC38247f54b 0x245cc372C84B3645Bf0Ffe6538620B04a217988B DAO Multisig
Network Module Module Address Role Address Label
Mainnet ROLES.v1 0x6CAfd730Dc199Df73C16420C4fCAb18E3afbfA59 admin 0x245cc372C84B3645Bf0Ffe6538620B04a217988B DAO Multisig
Mainnet ROLES.v1 0x6CAfd730Dc199Df73C16420C4fCAb18E3afbfA59 emergency_restart 0x245cc372C84B3645Bf0Ffe6538620B04a217988B DAO Multisig
Mainnet ROLES.v1 0x6CAfd730Dc199Df73C16420C4fCAb18E3afbfA59 emergency_shutdown 0xa8A6ff2606b24F61AFA986381D8991DFcCCd2D55 Emergency Multisig
Mainnet ROLES.v1 0x6CAfd730Dc199Df73C16420C4fCAb18E3afbfA59 heart_admin 0xcf30dc0d48604a301df8010cdc028c055336b2e Policy Multisig
Mainnet ROLES.v1 0x6CAfd730Dc199Df73C16420C4fCAb18E3afbfA59 operator_admin 0x245cc372C84B3645Bf0Ffe6538620B04a217988B DAO Multisig
Mainnet ROLES.v1 0x6CAfd730Dc199Df73C16420C4fCAb18E3afbfA59 operator_policy 0xcf30dc0d48604a301df8010cdc028c055336b2e Policy Multisig
Mainnet ROLES.v1 0x6CAfd730Dc199Df73C16420C4fCAb18E3afbfA59 operator_operate 0x245cc372C84B3645Bf0Ffe6538620B04a217988B DAO Multisig
Mainnet ROLES.v1 0x6CAfd730Dc199Df73C16420C4fCAb18E3afbfA59 operator_operate 0x1652b503e0f1cf38b6246ed3b91cb3786bb11656 Olympus Heart
Mainnet ROLES.v1 0x6CAfd730Dc199Df73C16420C4fCAb18E3afbfA59 operator_operate 0xeaf46bd21dd9b263f28eed7260a269ffba9ace6e Olympus Heart (deprecated)
Mainnet ROLES.v1 0x6CAfd730Dc199Df73C16420C4fCAb18E3afbfA59 operator_reporter 0xbf2b6e99b0e8d4c96b946c182132f5752eaa55c6 Bond Callback
Mainnet ROLES.v1 0x6CAfd730Dc199Df73C16420C4fCAb18E3afbfA59 custodian 0x245cc372C84B3645Bf0Ffe6538620B04a217988B DAO Multisig
Mainnet ROLES.v1 0x6CAfd730Dc199Df73C16420C4fCAb18E3afbfA59 callback_admin 0x245cc372C84B3645Bf0Ffe6538620B04a217988B DAO Multisig
Mainnet ROLES.v1 0x6CAfd730Dc199Df73C16420C4fCAb18E3afbfA59 price_admin 0x245cc372C84B3645Bf0Ffe6538620B04a217988B DAO Multisig
Mainnet ROLES.v1 0x6CAfd730Dc199Df73C16420C4fCAb18E3afbfA59 price_admin 0x245cc372C84B3645Bf0Ffe6538620B04a217988B Policy Multisig
Mainnet ROLES.v1 0x6CAfd730Dc199Df73C16420C4fCAb18E3afbfA59 bondmanager_admin 0x245cc372C84B3645Bf0Ffe6538620B04a217988B Policy Multisig
Mainnet ROLES.v1 0x6CAfd730Dc199Df73C16420C4fCAb18E3afbfA59 liquidityvault_admin 0x245cc372C84B3645Bf0Ffe6538620B04a217988B Policy Multisig
Mainnet ROLES.v1 0x6CAfd730Dc199Df73C16420C4fCAb18E3afbfA59 emergency_admin 0xa8A6ff2606b24F61AFA986381D8991DFcCCd2D55 Emergency Multisig
Mainnet ROLES.v1 0x6CAfd730Dc199Df73C16420C4fCAb18E3afbfA59 bridge_admin 0x245cc372C84B3645Bf0Ffe6538620B04a217988B Policy Multisig