
A Contact List application built using Python (QT & SqlAlchemy) and SQLite.

Primary LanguagePython

Contact List - A Database Interface Graphical App

CS6360 - Database Design Project

Application & Design Docs

Technical Requirements

  • Language: Python v3.9.5
  • Python Packages: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Database: SQLite v3.36.0
  • GUI Framework: PyQT5
  • OS Compatibility: *nix (MacOSX/Linux)
  • Miscellaneous:
    • pipreqs to generate requirements file without extraneous specs
    • pandoc for using document_gen.sh
  • NOTE: Find detailed docs in ./docs


  • Setup a Python 3.9.5+ environment
  • Install requirements file
  • Create folder src/generated_views
  • Change the interpreter path in build.sh to your local environment.
  • Change the database paths in src/config.py to your local database location & csv file location.
  • Run build.sh using bash build.sh
    • Builds the python files for UI files in ./ui and stores them in src/generated_views if run within a virtual environment with pyuic5 available, else skips this step.
    • Runs python3 create_db.py to create the database
    • Runs define_text_search.sql to create a virtual table using FTS5, a module which affords full text-search capabilities in SQLite DBs.
    • Runs populate_text_search.sql which populates the text search virtual table with the values already present in the table.
    • Runs triggers.sql which adds triggers to all the contact list tables such that any CRUD operation on them is replicated & the text search table index is synchronized.

Application Launch

  • Running main.py launches the GUI application
  • Find GUI instructions in the Quickstart Guide