
BreachCheck is a tool designed to help users search for their passwords in known data breaches and leaks.

Primary LanguagePython



We strongly advise users to only utilize BreachCheck for their own emails and usernames. Do not misuse this tool or exploit it for malicious purposes. Respect the privacy and security of others by refraining from attempting to check passwords that do not belong to you.

Our aim is to promote responsible and ethical use of BreachCheck to empower individuals in securing their online presence. By adhering to these principles, we can collectively contribute to a safer digital environment for everyone.


Fisrt clone and install

git clone https://github.com/v4resk/BreachCheck
cd BreachCheck
pip install -r requirements.txt

Before running BreachCheck, make sure to configure your API Key in the conf.json file. If you don't have one, sign-up on RapidAPI and choose the Basic plan (It's free) or Pro Plan (not free) for the BreachDirectory API

To use BreachCheck, run the following command:

#Simple use, target can be username or email
python BreachCheck.py -t <target>

#Output passwords to a file
python BreachCheck.py -t <target> -oN target_passwords.txt


Email Target