FF7CC Upscale Project

All are welcome to participate so long as any submitted artwork is your own. Do not source images from outside sources without license.

View current progress or leave feedback here: http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=20208.0 Or, participate in our Discord Server.

Setting up FF7CCUP (Windows)

Part One: Getting the Emulator set up

  1. Download PPSSPP - https://www.ppsspp.org
  2. Add FF7CC to PPSSPP's Game Library using the "Games" tab.
  3. Run FF7CC.
  4. While the game is running, press ESC to open the PPSPP menu.
  5. Open Settings>Tools>Developer Tools
  6. Check "Replace Textures"
  7. Select "Create/Open textures.ini file for current game". This should open up in your default text editor.
  8. In your editor, make note of the director textures.ini is in (File>Save As). This is your "Game Directory". Copy it!
  9. If your game directory does NOT end with "\ULUS10336" then FF7CC is not compatible with your version of the game!

Part Two: Setting up Github Desktop Note: If you prefer using commandline then I'm assuming you know how to do this on your own.

  1. Download and install Github desktop - https://desktop.github.com
  2. Log in to your github account.
  3. Clone the FF7CCUP Repository (File> Clone Repository)
  4. Paste in "https://github.com/eqprog/FF7CCUP" for the source URL
  5. Use your "Game Directory" for the 'Local Path'. It should be similar to 'C:\Users[local user]\Documents\PPSSPP\PSP\TEXTURES\ULUS10336' If you can't find this folder, please make sure you follow the steps in part one as it will generate these directories for you.
  6. Press the blue "Clone" button and let Github Desktop do its thing.

You should now be able to enjoy the FF7CC Upscale Project mod. Note: If you left PPSSPP running during Part Two, you may need to fully exit out of your game to PPSSPP's main menu and load the game again before you will notice any changes.

Updating FF7CCUP with Github Desktop:

Easy. Just open up Github Deskop. Make sure you're on the FF7CCUP Repo if you have others installed, then click "Fetch Origin". This will download any changes that have been uploaded recently.