Outliant React Native Test

Hey! We're really excited that you've made it this far in our interview process and look forward to getting to know you better.

The purpose of this test is to see how you solve problems and to make sure that you follow our linting rules as well as best practices.

We've scaffolded a very basic project that will serve as your starting point for the task. Make sure you've got eslint integrated in your editor or run the lint task and fix any errors before submitting your code for review. If there's a rule you disagree with, you can change it but we will ask you your rationale during our feedback session on this test.

What the test app should do:

  • Display a custom loading component for 3 seconds using React's Animated library
  • Fetch users data from https://reqres.in/
  • Use React hooks and pure functional programming
  • Display those users in a scrollable view that lazy loads more users when you've reached the bottom of the list, if there are no more users to load it should indicate that there are no more users.

We've prepared some screenshots in the design folder as well as a video of what the loading component should look like.

Those are the requirements. If you wish to show off more of your skill set, feel free to expand upon the app, perhaps integrating a state management library like Redux to handle the fetching of data or implementing a router like React Navigation.

Goodluck! :)