
OCC Smart Contract Source Code

Primary LanguageSolidity

Sample Hardhat Project

This project demonstrates a basic Hardhat use case. It comes with a sample contract, a test for that contract, and a script that deploys that contract.

Try running some of the following tasks:

npx hardhat help
npx hardhat test
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts

A8 OnChainClashRuleV1: 0xC11a91459D862DD468A673fe8C87eD19795F4a86 OnChainClash: 0x515953C4a7B47CC7D7C8Da60189bca5E70f928f3 Operator: 0x61E455b311773f57D5657A605637C1D4922233fb Signer: 0x371ecFafbBa02EE7100B8D2B1aAD698458F5A34a