
Primary LanguagePowerShell


What is simplifier

A simple python3 script to generate reverse shells based on nishang and pentestmonkey shells.
In addition , you can create undetectable payload to bypass AV (tested with bitdefender,windows defender and others)
This option will use the tvasion script created by loadenmb , you can check it here
I just automated the tvasion script to make the work easier.

With simplifier,you can setup Kali,Parrot and mx-linux (debian 10 buster) with the most used pentesting tools !
The script will auto-check the sources list of kali and parrot (mx-linux comming soon :) ),add the required links then install top tools automatically for you .

I added two custom scripts ,you can install them directly from the tool:
1- smb-login-bruteforce.sh: based on pure bash to avoid python errors !
2- basic-web-enum.py : ability to fetch the page source and give you detailed output about the page title,robots.txt,comments,technology used and more ...

More scripts will be added soon

How to install

--> python3-pip ,powershell and metasploit framework are required.
--> Please install metasploit and configure it before running the script ...

1- git clone https://github.com/0xyassine/simplifier.git
2- cd simplifier
3- apt install mono-mcs -y
4- pip3 install -r requirements.txt
5- chmod +x simplifier.py
6- ./simplifier.py

Note: to run it from any location: ln -s $(pwd)/simplifier.py /usr/local/bin/
