
RTSP stream timelapse creator

Primary LanguagePython


An RTSP stream timelapse creator. Captures stills from an RTSP stream between specified times and creates an mp4 file using the captured stills.


Note that this has only been tested on Linux systems.

apt install ffmpeg
git clone https://github.com/0xz00n/RTSPyLapse.git
cd RTSPyLapse
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Help Info

This program can be used from either the command line or via the config.py file.

Command line options

$ python3 app.py
usage: app.py [-h] [--cli ] [--conf [config.py]] [-u] [-o] [-p] [-cs] [-ce]
              [-d ] [-f ] [-e ] [-b ] [-c ] [-r ]

An RTSP stream timelapse creator.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cli []              Used if you want to configure job parameters on the command line.
  --conf [config.py]    Used if you want to configure job parameters via the config.py file.
  -u , --url            RTSP URL. Ex: -u "rtsp://username:password@"
  -o , --outputfile     Name of the final mp4 file. Ex: -o timelapse1
  -p , --path           Full path to the desired working directory. Ex: -p /home/user/timelapse/
  -cs , --capturestart
                        Time to start captures in 24h format.  Ex: -cs 15:30
  -ce , --captureend    Time to end captures in 24h format. Ex: -ce 08:15
  -d [], --delay []     Time between still captures.  Default (And minimum) is ~2.5 seconds. Ex: -d 5
  -f [], --framerate []
                        Number of frames per second.  Default is 25. Ex: -f 30
  -e [], --encoder []   Encoder to use for mp4 creation, uses system default if unspecified.  Ex: -e h264_omx
  -b [], --bitrate []   Bitrate limit in M.  Default is 12M.  Bufsize is always 1M. Ex: -b 12
  -c [], --chroma []    Chroma subsampling scheme, also known in ffmpeg as a pixel format. Sometimes needed for specific encoders. Ex: -c yuv420p
  -r [], --rotate []    Rotation option.  Equivalent to ffmpeg transpose option. Ex: -r 1 (This will rotate image 90 degress clockwise)

Config.py file

# RTSP URL. Ex: 'rtsp://username:password@'
url = ''
# Name of the final mp4 file. Ex: 'timelapse1'
outputfile = ''
# Full path to the desired working directory. Ex: '/home/usr/timelapse/'
path = ''
# Time to start captures in 24h format.  Ex: '15:30'
capturestart = ''
# Time to end captures in 24h format. Ex: '08:15'
captureend = ''
# Time between still captures.  Default (And minimum) is 2.5 seconds. Ex: 5
delay = 2.5
# Number of frames per second.  Default is 25.
framerate = 25
# Encoder to use for mp4 creation.  Leave empty for default.
encoder = ''
# Bitrate limit in M.  Default is 12M.  Bufsize is always 1M. Ex: -b 12
bitrate = 12
# Chroma subsampling scheme, also known in ffmpeg as a pixel format. Sometimes needed for specific encoders. Ex: -c yuv420p
chroma = None
# Rotation option.  Equivalent to ffmpeg transpose option. Ex: -r 1 (This will rotate image 90 degress clockwise)
rotate = None