A free anime streaming restful API serving anime from GogoAnime
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Bug report
Feature request
Note: You might experience some delays or issues using my hosted api on heroku, so feel free to host it on your own site.
Below you'll find examples using Fetch API but you can use any other http library out there.
- Get Recent Episodes
- Get Popular Anime
- Get Anime Search
- Get Anime Movies
- Get Top Airing
- Get Anime Genres
- Get Anime Details
- Get Streaming URLs
Parameter | Description |
type (int) |
(optional) by default the type is 1. type 1: japanese with subtitle. type 2: english dub with no subtitles. type 3: chinese with english subtitles. Example: GET /recent-release?type=2 |
page (int) |
type 1 page limit: [1-331]. type 2: [1-139]. type 3: [1-22]. |
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((animelist) => console.log(animelist));
Output >>
"episodeId": "deep-insanity-the-lost-child-episode-9",
"animeTitle": "Deep Insanity: The Lost Child",
"episodeNum": "9",
"subOrDub": "SUB",
"animeImg": "https://cdnimg.xyz/cover/deep-insanity-the-lost-child.png",
"episodeUrl": "https://www1.gogoanime.cm//deep-insanity-the-lost-child-episode-9"
Parameter | Description |
page (int) |
page limit: [1-504] |
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((animelist) => console.log(animelist));
Output >>
"animeId": "boruto-naruto-next-generations",
"animeTitle": "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations",
"animeImg": "https://gogocdn.net/cover/boruto-naruto-next-generations.png",
"releasedDate": "2017",
"animeUrl": "https://www1.gogoanime.cm//category/boruto-naruto-next-generations"
Parameter | Description |
keyw (string) |
anime title |
page (int) |
page limit may vary |
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((animelist) => console.log(animelist));
Output >>
"animeId": "naruto",
"animeTitle": "Naruto",
"animeUrl": "https://www1.gogoanime.cm//category/naruto",
"animeImg": "https://gogocdn.net/images/anime/N/naruto.jpg",
"status": "Released: 2002"
Parameter | Description |
aph (string) |
(optional) by default the movie list is random. values are from [A-Z]. And 0 is Ascending order with page limit of [1-89]. |
page (int) |
page limit may vary |
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((animelist) => console.log(animelist));
Output >>
"animeId": "tenchi-muyou-manatsu-no-eve",
"animeTitle": "Tenchi Muyou! Manatsu no Eve",
"animeImg": "https://gogocdn.net/cover/tenchi-muyou-manatsu-no-eve.png",
"releasedDate": "1997",
"animeUrl": "https://www1.gogoanime.cm//category/tenchi-muyou-manatsu-no-eve"
Parameter | Description |
page (int) |
page limit [1-26] |
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((animelist) => console.log(animelist));
Output >>
"animeId": "sekai-saikou-no-ansatsusha-isekai-kizoku-ni-tensei-suru",
"animeTitle": "Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru",
"animeImg": "https://cdnimg.xyz/cover/sekai-saikou-no-ansatsusha-isekai-kizoku-ni-tensei-suru.png",
"latestEp": "Episode 9",
"animeUrl": "https://www1.gogoanime.cm//category/sekai-saikou-no-ansatsusha-isekai-kizoku-ni-tensei-suru",
"genres": ["Action", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Mystery", "Romance"]
Parameter | Description |
:genre (string) |
Genres are avaliable below |
page (int) |
The page limit varies by genre. |
Genre |
action |
adventure |
cars |
comedy |
crime |
dementia |
demons |
drama |
dub |
ecchi |
family |
fantasy |
game |
gourmet |
harem |
historical |
horror |
josei |
kids |
magic |
martial-arts |
mecha |
military |
Mmusic |
mystery |
parody |
police |
psychological |
romance |
samurai |
school |
sci-fi |
seinen |
shoujo |
shoujo-ai |
shounen |
shounen-ai |
slice-of-Life |
space |
sports |
super-power |
supernatural |
suspense |
thriller |
vampire |
yaoi |
yuri |
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((animelist) => console.log(animelist));
Output >>
"animeId": "isekai-meikyuu-de-harem-wo",
"animeTitle": "Isekai Meikyuu de Harem wo",
"animeImg": "https://gogocdn.net/cover/isekai-meikyuu-de-harem-wo.png",
"releasedDate": "2022",
"animeUrl": "https://www1.gogoanime.cm//category/isekai-meikyuu-de-harem-wo"
Parameter | Description |
:id (string) |
animeId can be found in every response body as can be seen in the above examples |
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((animelist) => console.log(animelist));
Output >>
"animeTitle": "Naruto",
"type": "TV Series",
"releasedDate": "2002",
"status": "Completed",
"genres": ["Action", "Comedy", "Martial Arts", "Shounen", "Super Power"],
"otherNames": "ナルト",
"synopsis": "...",
"animeImg": "https://gogocdn.net/images/anime/N/naruto.jpg",
"episodesAvaliable": "220",
"episodesList": [
"episodeId": "naruto-episode-220",
"episodeNum": "220",
"episodeUrl": "https://www1.gogoanime.cm//naruto-episode-220"
You might need the referer url to bypass 403 (Forbidden) HTTP code.
Parameter | Description |
:id (string) |
episodeId. To verify the id of each episode, look at the episodesList property in the example above. |
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((animelist) => console.log(animelist));
Output >>
"headers": {
"Referer": "https://gogoplay.io/"
"data": [
"file": "https://vidstreamingcdn.com/cdn34/a96411258da4b8a75319906d0cc507f7/EP.18.v0.1644104042.360p.mp4?mac=7GmeilE5nn5L7xGZqxt4YNTnzQ53eEazGha0ZBD15WU%3D&vip=&expiry=1644122389382",
"label": "360 P",
"type": "mp4"
"file": "https://vidstreamingcdn.com/cdn34/a96411258da4b8a75319906d0cc507f7/EP.18.v0.1644104042.480p.mp4?mac=JBKmkO3IViHhGVSsXLekTDjhGICtfkmvXPuW7wEPGuw%3D&vip=&expiry=1644122389440",
"label": "480 P",
"type": "mp4"
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((animelist) => console.log(animelist));
Output >>
"headers": {
"Referer": "https://sbplay2.xyz/e/84ob4f649y3j"
"data": [
"file": "https://delivery412.akamai-cdn-content.com/hls2/01/02251/84ob4f649y3j_,n,h,.urlset/master.m3u8?t=W6w3DBAuEd6Xc3cYAQiEy5rYqeqY84IBs1XeDkhdYxQ&s=1652035632&e=21600&f=11258098&srv=sto066"
"backup": "https://delivery412.akamai-cdn-content.com/hls2/01/02251/84ob4f649y3j_,n,h,.urlset/master.m3u8?t=W6w3DBAuEd6Xc3cYAQiEy5rYqeqY84IBs1XeDkhdYxQ&s=1652035632&e=21600&f=11258098&srv=sto066"
Note: This is not available for all anime(s), so you might need to use another provider instead. VIDCDN and StreamSB are the most reliable
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((animelist) => console.log(animelist));
Output >>
"headers": {
"Referer": "https://fembed-hd.com/v/nd27xs2gjrpjle8"
"data": [
"file": "https://fvs.io/redirector?token=aHp4NVZDV3FZcStXQlFsOFNFQ3VvQWhRNXlpVlFUNlNaZWFOTTVpb0FWZ3FKMEtRL25qTXQ1UCtqNi9DRENJTXA1dWFVSUJrRkNQMnVnd1FQcXBrYXR4T2F6U2ZZdXIrNkx2bEh5TjBjZEZmd3JQandURzJrMTIyQitjR3dyYTJYYkI4OXZXRVlqd2QwbkFhVVdLYzdHdkZJV2RYMHNTYjpua3lLQ2lrSGw4dXFob0I0WmtoYkxBPT01iA4",
"label": "480p",
"type": "mp4"
"file": "https://fvs.io/redirector?token=Tkc1dHYvcTI5bFFwekcyZjVoWXRsa2VSd1lwOEVtMGNXbStMdUxWWWZNcHJaK3FvazhQMWhKelFmTWNMZEZlQVhLbGt1d3dTMXZiNkQ5WEdjdlhaSEE5dFVyR2diQkgvcjhxcVdkb2haa3B2a2NZNDQ3eW9RZyttU0REVW1kbXMwdDhLQ0RkSFovellYcmxjZHdyVm54NkJtTm5ZRmlncjp0ODdVNG01dDVyeFZMKzBjZ2N6WWVnPT0eCGY",
"label": "720p",
"type": "mp4"