React Native Anime App

A React Native app consuming this cool api to fetch anime characters. Functionalities included browse characters, search characters, favorite (persisted to memory not local storage). Design architecture used Component Composition Component AnimeCard is used to render in browse data in Home and Search screens. Other screens used are Landing, and AnimeDetails(displays more info about the selected character).


  • Expo (wrapper around ReactNative - quick to develop and deploy)
  • react navigation (bottom tabs, navigation stack)
  • tailwind css (styling lib for css)
  • axios (http client library)
  • react-native-onboard (libray with onboarding suppport)
  • redux (persistance in memory store for favorites)
  • hero icons (convenient tool to add icons into the app)

How to Run

  1. Option1 Expo Go
  • Requires Xcode, iOS Simulator installed
  • Open iOS Simulator
  • Type in root project npx expo start then select i
  1. Option2 Android
  • Requires Android SDK, JDK setup.
  • Connect physical device and make sure usb debugging mode is enabled.
  • Type in root project npx expo run:android --device


  • Add local persistent storage option for favorites. Currently app is using in memory using Redux.

App Screen Share