REI Search Bar - System Design Capstone

This project takes a pre-existing search bar microservice and rebuilds the back-end to achieve these goals:

  • Expand the database size from 100 entries to 10M entries
  • Achieve query time < 50 ms for all database queries used by the service API, targeting last 10% of database entries
  • Stress test service in development (own laptop) to achieve ~1K RPS with < 1% error rate
  • Scale back-end to improve throughput on EC2 T2.micro instance(s) to 100 RPS (min) w/ < 1% error rate (streeeeeeetch goal: 10K RPS w/ < 1% error rate)

Related Projects

Table of Contents

  1. Usage
  2. Requirements
  3. Development


Some usage instructions


An nvmrc file is included if using nvm.

  • Node 6.13.0


See dev journal.

Installing Dependencies

From within the root directory:

npm install -g webpack
npm install