Project for school.
Should be a working register.
Made for Alfa College Groningen Boumaboulevard, Class B-ITA4-2a.
Project group consisted of 1000monkeys, Danique646 and Xciel.
Initial commit
Added uploading temporary prices to database.(DBI)
Added ability to reload data for scene on resetting the scene as the current scene.(DBI)
Added checks for inserting temporary price so you don't have 2 temporary prices at the same time.(DBI)
Added deleting a temporary prices with the needed checks so that if the price is active you just set the end date to now.(DBI)
Added alert message to inserting a new item.(DBI)
Changed database so that there is a DefaultPrice table instead of having a boolean on the Prices table.(BOTH)
Fixed float rounding errors.(DBI)
Included database in release.(BOTH)
Added categorie's to the database and retooled the existing code to work with it.(BOTH)
Added DBCP for faster database connections.(BOTH)
Small bug fixes.(DBI)
We now use a mysql database located on a server.(BOTH)
Found a way to make sure a multiline update fails or not so implemented it.(DBI)
We now check before inserting a categorie for if it exists.(DBI)
Retooled some things so some things extend some things now so that code is reused more.(BOTH)
Basically i retooled my scene changing implementation so that i can use it for both the Database Inserter and the register.(BOTH)
Changed the time regex functions to HH:MM:SS.(DBI)
Made the delete item button do something.(DBI)
Made the delete categorie button do something.(DBI)
Implemented "Are you sure?" question on deleting a temporary price and included it in the new delete methods.(DBI)
Changed update item to include the categorie.(DBI)
Completed implementing editing a categorie/customer card.(DBI)
Added removing customer card.(DBI)
Started progressing on the register part of the register.(REG)
Changed UI of register.(REG)
Added the categorie overview.(REG)
Added part of creating a receipt.(REG)
Added selecting customer card.(REG)
Added paying and receipts.(REG)
Add to the register ability to have customer cards and customer card discounts.
And build the normal things needed for a register, For example 'scanning' an item, that being added to the list of items being bought etc.
Bugfix getScene()
Toevoegen zien welke klantenkaart geselecteerd.
Selectie toevoegen aan bonnen lijst.
Correctie uitwerken.