
Requirements: 1. Formulas.exe is needed 2. Some calls to ns.getBitnodeMultipliers() are made in some files but are mostly not too important, you could edit them out (that function requires BN5.1) 3. A batcher thrives on RAM. While it's possible to run a batcher with starter ram, it would be inefficient. As it is, the code only checks 5% leech and up and you'll needed to have some minimal ram to run that even on n00dles. Access to the whole network (5 ports/nuke) is also a big help. If your ram is limited, I recomment using a sequential hacker until you can fund some ram. starter.js and v1.js are both included in my repository and will cover that job.


  1. metrics.js is a script that's imported by most of the batcher-related utilities and can be ran standalone. usages: metrics : Will calculate the batch metrics in 5% increments on all servers, chose the best for each and then output a list of targets from best to worse $/sec metrics : Will calculate the batch metrics in 5% increments for the specified server and output a big comprehensive table on what's what. The best % will be shown in green. metrics : Same as the previous usage, but limiting RAM to the specified 1-based percentage (1 for 100%). Default is 100%.

  2. manager.js is my brute force optimistic batcher. notes: - It will automatically chose the best target percentage for the current ram constraints. This is re-evaluated each cycle. - You can limit it's ram usage to a percentage of total network ram (see usages) - It is a cycling batcher, meaning it will prep the server, start X batches, wait for them to completely end and then repeat. - There is zero provision/checks for desyncs until it loops back to prep. - Prep is skipped if no desync happened during the last cycle. - Desyncs caused by hack-level changes are reported in the tail window as a warning (yellow) - Desyncs of other origins will be reported to the terminal in red - You can manually run this, but it can also be automatically managed/called by controller.js (see later)

    usages: manager <1-based memory percentage> <loop=true> : Starts batching the specified server using up to the specified memory percentage. Loop is an optional parameter, if set to false, it will terminate after one cycle.

    run manager.js n00dles 1

  3. controller.js notes: - This one is a work in progress and still has a manual configuration you should alter depending on your current hacking level and ram situation - It will prep and/or batch a certain number of servers simulteanously - The main goal here is to manage multiple batchers once ram allows, but also to avoid downtime caused by desyncs. - Suggested base usage is to configure it to prep 2 servers and batch 1. This will usually result in non-stop batching, against different targets. - This one uses metrics.js to automatically ramp up the targets as hacking level increases, delesting easier/less profitable targets

  4. prep.js usage: prep <servername> : Preps the specified server (max cash, min security) and then terminates

    notes: You can manually call this situationally, but it's meant to be used by controller.js and manager.js to prepare servers.

Other utilies worthy of mention:

breach.js : My port opener/nuker script. It simply scans the network and nukes everything it can. autostart.js : My singularity main file, it's a work in progress. For how it just sets sleeves on the most lucrative task and tries to buy TOR/port openers and will run breach on a loop. It also runs my gang manager. installBackdoor.js : Installs backdoors on the milestones servers only. Other servers are commented in there and you can remove the filter altogether if you want to nuke everything. gangman.js : Gang manager. Will not create the gang. Tweak constants up top to control focus, I have yet to automate this completely factions.js : WIP. Shows a curated list of augments mainly aimed at a hacking victory. Can buy augments for you with the 'buy' parameter. bb.js : WIP. BladeBurner management script. Very rudimentary, poorly optimized, tends to overdo raids and kill population/communities. Bad mojo. casino.js : WIP. Cheats the coin flip game without savescum. You need to input the bet manually once you stop losing. stanek.js : Charges stanek blocks (optional 1-based percent of max ram, defaults to 90%) share.js : Runs ns.share (optional 1-based percent of max ram, defaults to 90%) xp.js : Preps and then blasts joesguns with grow for XP (optional 1-based percent of max ram, defaults to 90%) buyserver.js : Personal server buying script/manager. See comments at top of file for usages cct.js : Finds and solves coding contracts. I have zero merit, I didn't write any of these. Does all but the 4 node color/compression contracts (TODO!) corp.js : WIP. This is very early tribulations of corp management. For now the only two actual functions are investor fraud (needs to be tweaked manualy) and office expansion/employee hiring/assignment cs.js : Connect to specified server. Uses singularity. Will chain connect to the specified partial server name. find.js : Find specified term in files. Can optionally search and replace (I WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MESS THIS ONE CAN DO, SAVE YOUR FILES!) graft.js : WIP on grafting tribulations, currently lists the cheapest aug we can graft (to skip an install and just graft a few to get Daedelus 30/30 requirement) hacknet.js : Buys hacknet servers (NOT NODES, BN9 required). Parameter is a limit to how much we want to spend. It's broken and spends more than specified. Automatically selects the best hash/sec upgrade always. hashes.js : WIP/tribulations of automatically spending hashes (BN9) ka.js : Haven't used this one in months but kills all processes on all servers (except itself). karma.js : Shows current karma level mults.js : BN5 required. Shows current bitnode multipliers myps.js : Old script I made to replace ps and allow searching process names myscan.js : Lists all servers paths as connect strings you can copy/paste to run on terminal and get to a server. Optional servername for just that server. ram.js : Shows ram usage details and has a few ram-related functions serverstonk.js : Pulls some information from the source code repo to assiociate servers with stock symbols (deprecated, code has been merged/improved into xtree.js) sleeves.js : Used to assign tasks to sleeves, see code for details starter.js/v1.js : Lumping them because they are more or less the same. Sequential hacker. Use in low ram situations where batchers won't work. stats.js : Old/Deprecated, my initial attempt at using gym/universities and automating personal crimes, it's a big mess, prob shouldn't use it. stonks.js : Stock market manager. Supports both Pre-4S and 4S. Will automatically switch to 4S when it becomes available. tables.js : Library to display all those nice tables I have everywhere travel.js : int farming script (BN5) tree.js : Not my work, but outputs a layout you can upload to a website to see the network map utils.js : A collection of network exploration scripts. They all do the same thing. It is literally a collection. xtree.js : Shows the server network as a tree. Optional parameter sort to show hackable servers in max money order.