NIST XDS Toolkit in a docker container

NIST supports the IHE effort in Document Sharing as part of the IT Infrastructure Domain with testing, tools, and technical. Here are just instructions to use the NIST XDS Toolkit in a docker container.

Run XDS Toolkit with latest release from github

If you have bash you can directly run xdstools with the latest release version from github (maybe first chmod +x ./run-xdstools.bash):


XDS Toolkit can then be accessed in the browser: http://localhost:8080/xdstools6/

Build XDS Toolkit from source

git clone
(or git pull origin master if already downloaded)
cd iheos-toolkit2
mvn clean install

If you have a problem with resolving the dependencies on maven due to certificates ([ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project utilities: Could not resolve dependencies for project gov.nist.toolkit:utilities:jar:5.2.3)) follow the steps as described on the iheos-toolkit2 help for gazelle_nexus, on os x you can get JAVA_HOME with export JAVA_HOME="$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)"

Note: In iheos-toolkit2/tk-deps/src/main/ the path to the external cache and the port properties are set. Currently the path is fixed to /your/external/cache/location

Then, copy iheos-toolkit2/xdstools2/target/xdstools2-*.war to this folder as xdstools6.war.

Build & run XDS Toolkit in a docker container

Build the docker image:

docker build -t xdstools .

Run an instance:

docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -p 8888:8888 -p 8443:8443 -v $PWD/cache:/your/external/cache/location xdstools

With this setup, xdstool's external cache will be saved in the cache directory. Due to how Docker works, the data in this folder will belong to the root user. This might cause some issues, e.g. when trying to access the files or when rebuilding the image. This can be solved by reclaiming ownership of the files:

sudo chown -R $USER:$(id -gn) cache/