
A multiplayer wordle clone with Live video in Flutter

Primary LanguageDart


A multiplayer wordle game that you can play with your friends while speaking to them over a video call.


Here's a video series on "How to build Thirdle" step-by-step.

What is special?

A video call while playing Wordle can’t be called a multiplayer game right? We wanted to share the players’ guess words on every new guess they make.

We did it seamlessly without needing a backend (Firebase, etc), but instead using "Peer Metadata" built into the 100ms SDK.

Star Badge

Built with 💙 using Flutter and 100ms SDK.

Trying it out

Clone the repo and build it with flutter commands.

You need 3 things to start playing Thirdle with your own 100ms account (or use the default values if you don't have one)

  1. Name - This will be your display name
  2. Room Id - Your 100ms room Identifier
  3. Subdomain - The subdomain from your 100ms token endpoint

Room Id

Go to your 100ms Dashboard > Rooms section, copy an existing room's Room Id or create a new room and copy its Room Id.


Go to your 100ms Dashboard > Developer section. Find your subdomain in token endpoint. If your token endpoint is https://prod-in2.100ms.live/hmsapi/example.app.100ms.live/, then example is your subdomain.


Karthikeyan S

Aditya Thakur